A free update of a masterpiece? It adds complete voice recordings, new quests and a few more bonus features? Gee, I’m sure Steam users are hate that.
I’m kidding because Disco Elysiumis new Final cuts version is the surest possible setup in Steam history. The original, released in 2019, was a film masterpiece that surpassed its own inspirations Planescape Torment, focusing on smart, funny, tangible satisfactory writing and a timely reflection on a melting pot of political ideologies. Final cuts opened the floodgates for new players – which I presumably hate to read? – while it has gained momentum for longtime fans. It seems to have borne fruit; Disco ElysiumThe Steam version has received nearly 1,000 new positive reviews since the update dropped. Sometimes it’s fun to just watch people talk about why a good thing is actually good.
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