Supermarkets, cheese and cream, water bottle, propane gas, financial services, fast delivery and mobile telephony. All products and services available in El Salvador come with a brand that has a preference for others.
In the XL edition of the Market Inquiry, LPG Data recovers the opinions of salvadorans about their tastes in various categories, the figures are likely to be presented in some way in the celebrations and end of year.
Thus, for example, Super Select occupies the first place of preference with 50.4%, a position that has been maintained since several years ago.
Pollo Indio dominates its category with 47.4% preference; seguido de Sello de Oro, with 5.6%; Selectos vars 0.9% y Americano 0.7%.
In the caja pan category, Pan Lido has 32%, Bimbo owns 20.8% and Monarca 10.7%.
For brindar, the local origin wax brands have the Pilsener cabe, which has 16.7%, the Golden Light brand (4.5%) and the Mexican Corona have 3.6%.
To be continued, you can find some results of the LPG Datas opinion study, the complete information is in the latest edition of The Economist.