The Papa Francisco convenes a special year dedicated to the family, which will mark the next March 19 and conclude with the World Cup for Families scheduled for June 2022 in Rome.
During the messages before the revelation of the angel celebrated in the library and not used in the square of San Pedro, which Italy finds confined to sanitary emergence, Francisco explained that this year is dedicated to the family being produced on the occasion of the fifth anniversary of the apostolic exhortation “Amoris laetitia”, the publication of the synod dedicated to this theme.
“This special year will be an opportunity to delve into the contents of the Amoris Laetitia document, through proposals and pastoral instruments, which will be made available to the congregations and ecclesiastical families, to accompany them on their truck,” Francisco said.
The Father invites all Catholics to “take part in the initiatives that will be underway during the year and will be coordinated by the Dicasterio par la Laicos, la Familia y la Vida”.
“As the Virgin Mary, having now directed us to the angel of Angelus, obtains the families of all the worlds who are more fascinated by the evangelical ideals of the Sagrada Familia, the way in which they are conceived in the levitation of new humanity. and of a concrete and universal solidarity “, concluded.