The family of the Venezuelan opponent Josnars Adolfo Baduel denounced that he was tortured and had “grave lesions”

Denuncian torture against Josnars Adolfo Baduel

The Venezuelan opponent Josnars Adolfo Baduel, detained after a failed maritime incursion against the regime of Nicolás Maduro ten months ago, ha somo sometido a “fuertes torturas” en presenta “graves lesions”, denounces these jueves in the family.

(Reitero) the denunciations of the grafte lesels que presenta mi hermano a raíz de las fuertes torturas a las que es sometido ”, dijo in a video broadcast on Twitter la hermana del opissitor, Andreína Baduel.

“Everything that suceda (with the Baduel family) is the responsibility of Nicolás Maduro’s regime”, added the woman.

The young also know that the family received on days passed a fairy tale as tenia as the only proposal “intends to demonstrate to international organizations a reality (respect for human rights) that only the regime creates”.

In addition, a staff member of the Bolivarian Intelligence Service (Sebin) acknowledged that Josnars presented “grave lesions”, Pero only tras apuntar que“ son viejas ”.

“Cosa que es falsa”, says Andreína. “If this is so (that the lesions are old) ¿Why do we, like Germans, know the same things and why the negative has a medical attention?”

Josnars Adolfo Baduel is the brother of Raúl Baduel, a general who was an ally of Hugo Chávez (La Patilla)
Josnars Adolfo Baduel is the brother of Raúl Baduel, a general who was an ally of Hugo Chávez (La Patilla)

Josnars Baduel was arrested on suspicion of plotting to assassinate United States President Nicolas Maduro on Friday, removing hundreds of protesters by truck.

If the accusation of haber cometido los delitos de terrorism, association for delinquency and tradition to the homeland.

According to the Executive, Baduel was the judge of Justice just participating in “two or three intentional golfers” between the years 2018 and 2019.

Josnars is the brother of Raúl Baduel, a general who was an ally of Hugo Chávez and is considered as the artifact of his fall to the Presidency across the Gulf of Estado that lasted for 48 hours in April 2002.

This military also served as Minister of Defense between 2006 and 2007, but in 2009 he was sent to prison for being accused of corruption.

The denunciations of torture against Josnars Baduel were hiccuped in the same day as the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet from Chile, stated that the civil and democratic space in Venezuela was being reduced to new denunciations. Extrajudicial executions and persecution of NGOs.

(With EFE information)


The ONU receives new denunciations of extrajudicial executions and a request to stop the persecution of NGOs
Maduro’s regime rejects the latest information from the UN on DDHH’s violations in Venezuela and a verdict against Michelle Bachelet
