The fall of the COVID-19 contagios in the United Kingdom has surpassed the 10 million vacancies

Prime Minister Boris Johnson observes a British citizen receiving a dose of the Oxford / AstraZeneca vaccine against COVID-19 (Stefan Rousseau / Pool via REUTERS)
Prime Minister Boris Johnson observes a British citizen receiving a dose of the Oxford / AstraZeneca vaccine against COVID-19 (Stefan Rousseau / Pool via REUTERS)

The British governor considers that the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic was the end of it. The figures for the last few days are confirmed by 25.1% of less positive contact cases, 22% of hospitalizations and 13.4% of deaths in the previous week.

The United Kingdom launches January 8 the pandemic of the pandemic commencement: 68,192 new cases in a single day. It was more than double the peak of the second oil (33,517 in November) and 13 times more than the maximum of the first (5,486 in April). The last of these days is 22,476 infections per day, the third part being three weeks.

The mortality rate is the most recent, but it is also the most tangible. The maximum since the beginning of the break, which was 1,826 decesos the 20th of January —Which surpassed the April record (1,224) – passed a 1,066 promedio in the last days.

It’s likely that much will be associated with this descent that he United Kingdom surpasses the tens of thousands of vacancies with a first dose, and the 500,000 with the dosages. The super holiday vacancy has a median of millions of diaries.

The archipelago is the third country in the world in the case of inoculation: 15% of its population received at least one dose, a percentage surpassed only by Israel (60.14%) and United Arab Emirates (36%).

Everything indicates that the objective of evacuate 15 million people from the 4 more kwesbaarhede groups here in February. In addition, the AstraZeneca pharmaceutical, which produces the vaccine developed by the University of Oxford, has stated in the last hours that its vaccine reduces the transmission of contagios by as much as 65%, in accordance with the results of a preliminary scientific study. .

The studio show the potential of the vaccine to reduce the asymptomatic transmission of the virus, segun los semopados semanales obtenidos de volunteerearios en el ensayo del Reino Unido. Show data that positive PCR readings is reduced by 67% (IC: 49%, 78%) after a single dose and by 50% (IC: 38% to 59%) after a dose regimen, which responds to a substantial impact on the transmission. del-virus.

Persons hacen cola mientras esperan recibir la vacuna contra el COVID-19 en le Centro de Vacunación del Crystal Palace Football Club en Londres, el 4 de february de 2021 (REUTERS / Hannah McKay)
Persons hacen cola mientras esperan recibir la vacuna contra el COVID-19 en le Centro de Vacunación del Crystal Palace Football Club en Londres, el 4 de february de 2021 (REUTERS / Hannah McKay)

Mene Pangalos, Executive Vice President of Investigation and Development of Biopharmaceuticals, states: “This primary analysis confirms that this vaccines prevent serious burdens and keep people away from the hospital. Additionally, extending the dosing interval only increases the vaccine efficiency, meaning that allows more topics to be vacated by adelantado. Together with the new halls about the reduction of transmission, we believe that this vaccine will have a real impact on the pandemic “.

Although missing dates and revisions of the study by other scientists, these highlights represent a hopeful for women residing in United Kingdom. So it is to be hoped that this protection will prevent the availability of new coronavirus vaccines that he appears in this country, or that he has committed to other nations like South Africa, including Brazil.

(With RFI information)


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