The extremist groups that siembran el miedo in EE. UU.

Inform that there are 917 extremist organizations that promote audio and video in the United States. The FBI alerted armed groups of all groups in the country.

Although Donald Trump has been known to force in 2016 that centrists of extremist groups paid the price, the phenomenon of organizations that promote audio and violence, compared to the end to freedom of expression, has created rapidity and silence of Estados Unidos.

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El Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), which monitors extremism and racism. UU., Aseguraba in its 2016 report that it has 917 extremist groups in the country; the year before eran 892 groups of audio. The most numerous is the KKK (130 members), the second audio group with the mayor present after the black separatists (193). Both have white nationalists (100), neo-Nazis (99), skinheads (78), neoconfederados (43) or anti-immigrants (14). During the Violent Tomato at the Capitol, the fairy tales passed, many of these groups hiccuped in their public appearance aimed at Donald Trump’s discourse and shouted at banners, hats and other symbols identifying the extreme right, but with a new one: amenazan tomas voldas en el país.

According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), he has received information about “armed protests” in all 50 states between days 16 and 20, including Joe Biden’s position.

Nothing new. In October 2020, the review The nation revealed information on intelligence agencies announcing a “violent extremist movement” planted by extremist right-wing militias that included white supremacists. The informant cites the presidential investment ceremony of 2021 as a “potentially detonating”.

More grave aún. Chad Wolf, Internal Secretary of National Security of the United States who renounced the moon, has announced the year has passed on the domestic terrorism of extremist groups. “As secretary, I am concerned about any form of violent extremism (…), without embarrassment, I am particularly concerned about the violent extremists of white supremacy who have been exceptionally lethal in their aboriginal attacks in the last times,” he warned.

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The data presented in the Department of the Interior’s document show that 70% of the assassinations and conspiracies committed in the first months of this year were marked by “white supremacism”. There are 39 people involved in these attacks.

And these are the groups that have ten in vilo hoy to EE. UU., Tras su miedosa aparición en el Capitolio: Three Percenters, conocidos como los “Threepers”, apoyan a Trump y dirigen su odio a muslmanes e inigrantes. In the ascent of the mercenaries, there is a banner with the figure of the Kraken, symbolizing the adoption of lies that the lawyers of the mandate say that “we will despair of the kraken” when, without proof, there is no electoral fraud.

The “Proud Boys” carry orange hats, blackberries and black tights with their number, and adopt the OK symbol to identify them. His leader, Enrique Tarrio, did not participate in the opening of the Capitol, but he was a celebrity. In an interview with The Wall Street Journal, insured that between 2,000 and 2,500 members of “Proud Boys” assisted in the protests in Washington. And the ad that is being repeated: “The people will be there for the investor. You can see what we see. No lo hemos decidido aún ”.

The members of the 4Chan online forum, in which albergan discourse is racist and anti-Semitic, also stubbornly in the midst of the white Kekistan border, green and black representing the Kek country, invented by them.

The “Oath Keepers” identify with black hats with their number, say they have used the area to protect the country and the Constitution, and recruit to exile. His letter says that if the violence is necessary will be used to protect the White House. There is another group that is called “America First” and is empty of the Capitol with banners and slogans, other iban with letters from Camp Auschwitz, anti-immigrants, the Nationalist Social Club are seen as police and are confounded with them during the Capitol’s toma Estos grupos se mueven en las redes como peces en el agua. From online forums animated to Donald Trump’s sympathizers concentrating on arms and all the pais to oppose the new president. As hicieron antes de la toma del 6 deero. Días previos calentaron la concentration and chats and virtual forums.

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According to analysts, in social speeches and supremacist forums, they will find ideal ground to exploit their discourse, capture followers and promote all kinds of conspiracy theories ”.

The head of the Capitol Police, Steven Sund, was forced to resign due to the failure of security, insured in an interview with The New York Times that if security agencies are not in a position to agree on what happened last week, “it will be time to close” during Biden’s inauguration.

The UN Anti-Terrorism Committee has been obliged to issue a recent warning against the “transnational criminalization of extreme right-wing terrorism”.

Thus, the different warnings mark a trend: in the last fifty years, the terrorist attacks labeled as extreme right-wingers have committed 320% all over the world, in line with the Global Index of Terrorism, one of the reference indicators in the matter that elaborates the Institute of Economics and Peace (IEP).
