The EUEU governor changes the electric fleet of 600,000 vehicles to electric cars

Joe Biden's governor announced that he would replace the
Joe Biden’s governor announced that he would replace the “huge fleet of vehicles that the federal governor possesses” with “electric vehicles, limousines, manufactured here”. (REUTERS / Tom Brenner)

When the initiative was announced Buy American (to make the purchase of national industrial goods), el presidente de los United States a compromise was made to change the “huge fleet of vehicles that possess the federal government” by Electric vehicles, limpios, manufactured here ”. The announcement of Joe Biden affects 600,000 more trucks, vans and engines cuya huge mayor consumption gasoline o diesel.

Dado que hasta 2019 el gobierno estadounidense tenía less than 3,000 motors with batteries electric, Ars Technica evaluated that compile with the medium “will not be easy”. The inventory fleet accounts with a 63% of motor oil, a 31% of bending fuel (those who consume a 85% ethanol mixture) and a 4% of hybrids, which does not carry cable without cable through the motor shaft.

In the last decades of the Congress approve varias leyes que ordenaron al gobierno federale una transition hacia cars, vans and trucks of mayor energy efficiency and lower emissions. During the management of Barack Obama has overall progress: los híbridos pasaron from 1,766 in 2008 to 25,059 in 2017; los combustible flexible, from 129,000 to 201,000.

Joe Biden's announcement affected more than 600,000 federal, state-owned vans and vans, which the huge mayor consumed gasoline or diesel.
Joe Biden’s announcement affected more than 600,000 federal, state-owned vans and vans, which the huge mayor consumed gasoline or diesel.

“This progress has not been made in vain”, explained the publication. “The federal agencies need one varied types of vehicles, from four to four large trucks or vans. In some cases, the agencies will provide difficulties in finding low-emission vehicles which complies with the requirements. Some agencies also operate in parts of the country no hay-disposable combustible alternatives alternos o carg infrastructure”.

Además, the alternative engines son more like the communes: a car hybrid of four portable doors USD 5,200 monthly in 2017, and cable charging electricity between USD 8,700 and 15,300 more.

Y si bien en 2015 Obama promulgated a decree for federal agencies to include in their plans the renovation of 20% of its fleet of emissions vehicles, and the figure is below 50%, of 2018 successful, Donald Trump, firm a ve exu orden executa para cancel these objectives. The number of alternative engines will be reduced between 2018 and 2019.

Barack Obama promulgated a decree to include federal agencies and plans a percentage of emissions vehicles, through his successor, Donald Trump, canceled his goals.  (REUTERS / Molly Darlington)
Barack Obama promulgated a decree to include federal agencies and plans a percentage of emissions vehicles, through his successor, Donald Trump, canceled his goals. (REUTERS / Molly Darlington)

‘Ahora Biden intenta clean up and possibly accelerate Obama’s efforts. Será más fácil hoy ”, compares Ars Technica. ‘La veloz battery charge implies that the direct charge hybrids and the vehicles with electric batteries are the most accessible now ”. If well do not ask the same as the conventional, “La brecha se har strechado y los expertos esperan que closed by completion 2025, when the first mandate of Biden ”ends.

The variety of vehicles is also increasing, especially in the line of those whose only passengers, such as SUVs, vans and lorries. At the same time created the charging station infrastructure for the electricians. No obstacle, 100% of the federal federal territory, the location of the public, and the objetivo sumamente ambicioso.

“Although Biden has stated that this is a meta, has not established a specific chronogram. In a possible scenario, will have a decade or more to replace in full, with alternatives to electric batteries, the 381,000 conventional vehicles and the 191,000 federal government’s flex-fuel, ”he calculated the text.


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