The EU Tax Court does not present charges against a policy aimed at young Jacob Blake

Jacob Blake.
Jacob Blake.

The police officer who disappeared in August of the year before the slap in the face of Jacob Blake, a young black man who pleaded guilty and pleaded guilty to violent protests in the EU, geen enfrentará-vragte, informs este martes la Fiscalía del distrito de Kenosha (Wisconsin).

In this way, the police agent who bailed out Blake, Rusten Sheskey, will be free.

City taxman, Michael Graveley, explained in a press release that his decision not to present cargoes is based on the lack of evidence.

“It is a legal and professional matter. If there are no areas that can demonstrate this case more than a reasonable doubt, then there is an ethical obligation not to present cargos, ”Graveley said.

Blake, 29 years old, received an accident when he broke the door of an SUV vehicle, het nie gevestigde sus tres hijos menores de edad, in a scene that was captured by the cameras of the cellular phones of testigos.

Protests by Jacob Blake, Kenosha, Wisconsin.  REUTERS / Daniel Acker
Protests by Jacob Blake, Kenosha, Wisconsin. REUTERS / Daniel Acker

The Kenosha Police Officer, Rusten Sheskey, filed a lawsuit over a domestic dispute on August 23. The agent disappears against Blake, despite a failed arrest warrant., notified Wisconsin Fiscal General Josh Kaul.

According to previous investigations, Blake carried a knife at the time of the disappearances, as his allegations were denied at any time. Attorney Ben Crump demonstrated the “immense deception” of the victim’s family, considering that this decision was made solely on his behalf, meaning “to the community that protested and demanded justice”, according to the CBS program.

The success provoked an oil protest against the police brutality with the Negro community, and these days a white maiden, Kyle Rittenhouse, was killed in the same attack on protesters in the middle of the chaos.

Like President Donald Trump, as well as the Democratic nominee and now elected president, Joe Biden, hiccup paradise during the election campaign this year in Kenosha to discuss the past, and the middle of the indignation generated by similar events in the which estuvieron implicados blancos blancos en otras ciudades de EE.UU.

With EFE information in Europa Press


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