Casa Blanca’s chief epidemiologist, Anthony Fauci, acknowledged this March that the pandemic was taking place in the United States, which was recording hospitalization figures.
“We are in a point, as we call it, Jim, that it is, of course, control in many respects,” Fauci said in an interview with CNN.
“If we look at the evolution of the final results of the 2020 winter, we will have a pico at the final finals of the first -siguió-, other points in the principles of the vernacular, and just now we will have a pico, very empowering , “inflection is very good”.
Aggregate that EE.UU. is in a “very difficult” situation but has never been to a point of reference, in terms of the contagios, “it is possible to control the communion expansion through identification, Islam and the continuity of contacts”.
For this reason, he expressed his concern that there would be an increase in cases in January, which could only happen in December, when the country has experimented with numerous cases of precedents.
“Creo we debemir assum va va a ir a peor, sabe, estamos entre 100.000-200.000 Infections al dia. Hubo un periodo la peor parte de dicembre, quuando establisha por ensima de 200.000, lo because we have tambalear: ten cases, ten hospitalizations and, consequently, deaths “, indicated.
Ante is this panorama, Fauci, who has been elected by the elective president of EE.UU., Joe Biden, to be his medical assessor jefe, recommends following practicing “the simple things” that he has been doing.
“At this time, apart from the journeys, which are now delayed, because we are in the midst of the vacations of Navidad, Fin de Año, the people will travel or have traveled. We intend to travel less, and for those who have it right, those who have it do not belong to large groups of people, only the intermediate family “, dijo.
And he advises that, when there is a large group of people for the sake of tech and ventilation, “it is when one is in trouble”.
EE.UU. is the world most affected by the pandemic with more than 19.3 million covid-19 cases detected and more than 335,000 failures, according to Johns Hopkins University data.
Según el Covid detection project, EE.UU. records the hospitalization record since the beginning of the pandemic, with 121,235 patients admitted by nursing, of whom 22,592 are in intensive care units.