The emotional benefit of employees: benefits and a positive impact

The emotional well-being of employees is, without a doubt, a key piece for the organizations and each has its own companies that are aware of the fact that it is one of the principal principles, in order to be motivated, resilient, salutary and competent to all levels.

Impulse and maintenance require continuous evaluation and participation of all those involved.

In this sense, the intermediate mandates, as modulators of psychosocial factors, especially in the current pandemic scenario that we are encountering, resultant key agents.

His change of heart in any organization and his style of leadership can help to generate more or less healthy organizations, which directly contribute to the emotional health of workers.

Leadership, in positive terms, significantly increases the yield of teams, and directly impacts their emotional well-being.

A bad lead can provoke only quantitative losses in business, so that it can be a great source of psychosocial risks and favor the appearance in our self-help teams, generate inclusively burn out in many of the workers.

The pandemic has developed a particularly complex scenario in terms of emotional well-being and has most relevant to the panel of intermediaries in the management of teams and their psychosocial situation.

To be able to properly unroll this paper, we need the ‘Mixed Skills’ or ‘Soft Skills’ called: communication, empathy, teamwork, conflict resolution, resilience and tolerance to stress, adaptability, etc. .

There are tutoring, competencies or skills, more or less basic, that all workers need to be able to develop.

Including, in some ways it is considered relatively easy and that the individual should “learn to learn”.

However, the reality is quite different: Not all job seekers have made mistakes in their intention to develop and become potential.

Effective communication, emotion management, time, stress, adaptability and creativity, are, in fact, social skills and management that can and should be trained.

Learning e-learning tools to potentiate the acquisition of emotional skills

In an entourage such as the actual, with the teletrabai case universally established, the platforms elearning its great alliances for the development of the ‘Soft Skills’.

In a flexible, accessible and effective way, these platforms allow each individual to access a virtual personalized entity with the features needed to complete the learning process and the global form management process.

Each organization has its own requirements regarding formative actions and the development of these disabilities. Therefore, it is necessary to propose a formative approach adjusted and not stand as if it were necessary to convert the most traditional present formation.

Short courses, practices and adaptations to generate a correct use of the tools that apply to the demand, and reduce the appearance of the psychosocial risks that can be derived, from the presence of these ‘Soft Skills’ in our work teams.

From car to worker, training to learning elearning results in easier user.

It is, moreover, more accessible and more comfortable for the employee, that with just-in-time access 24 hours, you can connect and connect with the facility that facilitates conciliation.

For the organization, add a list of direct and indirect costs in front of the traditional present training and allow an exhaustive follow-up of the training process.

In addition, with these platforms, real estate management is possible: facilitate the exchange of ideas, opinions and experiences, without geographical limits.

For the sake of completeness, in order for the learning tools to be used, they will be able to meet quality content and be developed by experts in the field, who will also be able to support each other on the platform.

In Affor we consider that it is important that what is offered as the offer is made and, therefore, we accept the contents of the collection that we have received this training, we offer a practical training and application of a mode that the student facilitates herramientas, pa concrete, techniques that can be put on the market to apply the app …

In the case of emotional competencies to allow self-employment and establish an individual work plan.

Affor’s plans are adapted to the organization, to the person and the circumstances.

For example, everywhere in the world it is affordable to manage remote equipment, even if the technology is available.

In times of pandemic it is necessary to develop new capabilities for adapters and respond to current needs.

It is important to focus on the management of these mixed abilities as in the emotional management because all of them are in this period of time without precedent and in doing so with high emotional demands or very high, depending on the type of sector.

Finally, e-learning allows us, as professionals in psychosocial prevention and the promotion of emotional well-being, to work with organizations to communicate in detail the demand and offer formative actions called “a la carta”, which contribute to form determining the success of the project.
