The electorate congress María Elvira Salazar on the positive side by covid-19

(CNN) – Florida Elected Congresswoman Maria Elvira Salazar said he was positive about covid-19 and could not attend the Congressional Jurisdiction Ceremony at the Capitol of the United States Domingo.

Salazar, Republican, said on Twitter that he was admitted to a local hospital with cardiac arrhythmia, commonly known as latent cardiac arrhythmia, on December 23, before the covid-19 test took place. It’s trying to be positive, it’s.

“I find that I have not been able to communicate through my social speeches, but I am infected with the COVID. Stay in bed at home and enjoy every day. I hope to start working for my community, a time that is medically permitted », tuiteó Salazar.

Salazar, who was represented by Democrat Donna Shalala in November, will be hospitalized and will begin his quarantine process in case he is placed in “stable condition”, he said.

“I am incredibly pleased with the incessant medical practices of primary care in our community, which help many people fight the pandemic.” Stay in bed at home and enjoy every day. I hope to start working for my community one day and it is medically permissible “, says Salazar.

Salazar’s diagnostics will be available as of December, marking the most deadly month since the start of the EE.UU pandemic.

On Tuesday, Luisiana Luke Letlow’s congresswoman electrified to be diagnosed with covid-19. El republicano tenía 41 years.

In the wake of this month, other Republican lawmakers voted positively for the virus, including Alabama Rep. Mike Rogers, California Representatives Devin Nunes and Ken Calvert, and Carolina Sur Sur Wil Wilson’s representatives. Members of Congress who have been positive about the virus or its antecedents.

Wisconsin Democrat Representative Gwen Moore said the mood was positive for the virus.
