The ‘El Chapo’ map that helped catch Emma Coronel

A supuesta map written by mana by Joaquín El chapo Guzmán is one of the witnesses to the investigation into detaining this moon in the United States and his wife, Emma Coronel, accused of international drug trafficking.

Among the evidence that FBI agent Eric S. McGuire included in a legal statement presented on Wednesday, March 17, to obtain the arrest warrant against Coronel, is a manuscript documented in the one who negotiates with a company the heroin trafficking.

Heroine Traffic

“With respect to Cleto, increase production to make it work. Salúdame a Cleto. Dile que for favor ech eche mano, para que primera venta sea de mi parte … porque tengo muchos gastos aquí “, dice la carta quotada en el documento.

McGuire details in this document that Cleto is a drug addict based in Durango who produces heroin for El chapo Guzmán. Also details that when eating “many guests” refer to the children who have to pay within the cell, in addition to the dinner to maintain their family.

“La madre de las gemelas te dirá algo a ti ya mis hijos. For guns, is attent computer. She explains “, say the card.” “The mother of the spouses has a message for all you”, aggregate. The mother of the spouses is Coronel, according to the FBI agent.

[El arresto de Emma Coronel evidencia la sospecha de EE.UU. de que ella ayudó a ‘El Chapo’ a manejar el Cártel de Sinaloa]

Agreed with McGuire, this card is authenticated for various tests, including the cooperative testament number 1. A source from the Administration for the Control of Drugs (DEA, in English) confirms – to Telemundo Notices that the testimony which the FBI agent refers to is Dámaso López, also known as El Licenciado, an antiguo collaborator of El chapo que habló en su contra durante el juicio in 2019.

This card has been edited by Guzmán in some of the periods covered by the Altiplano, the maximum penalty imposed in the State of Mexico, between 2014 and 2017, which was interrupted by his flight in July 2015.

Dámaso López resigned as sub-director of the Penal Large Penal in Jalisco, where he fled El chapo af 2001. También se le vinculado con el assesinato del mexicano Javier Valdez en Culiacán, Sinaloa, el 15 de Mayo de 2017.

López testified during the trial against Guzmán that Coronel helped her to escape her elaborate 2015 escape plan from the Altiplano.

McGuire added that Coronel received the money from the sale of over five kilos of heroin for the sake of Cleto y el testigo cooperante 1.

“It is my research that Cleto and the cooperative testament is to promote Coronel’s product of more than 5 kilograms of heroin, “McGuire said in the indictment.

Collaboration in the fugue of ‘El Chapo’

Asimismo, Agent McGuire also detailed how Coronel supuestamente helped his escape to escape a Mexican maximum security prison in 2015.

“Cooperative testimonial 1 tells me that Coronel agreed to help Guzmán escape from the Altiplano through a subterranean tunnel. Altiplano. El testigo colaborador 1 aceptó ayudar “, described the document.

[Emma Coronel estaría bajo investigación por su presunto rol en la fuga de El Chapo en el 2015]

The detailed document that she acted as a messenger between Guzmán Loera and her societies and heirs, Ivan, Alfredo, Ovid and Joaquin. Here, the card signed by Guzmán Loera, authenticated for multiple testimonies, contains detailed instructions on the operations of the Sinaloa Card Course, including the transport of narcotics.

“I trust that they are always in agreement with my four children. Contrada contadores en todo el state, y paga a los chicos ya las viudas desde alli, y lo que quede al mes, la mitad es para ti y la otra mitad par ellos cuatro ”, write El chapo ‘n a collaborator.

Referring to protected testimonies, the FBI describes in these documents that Coronel helped manage the drug drug empire, assisting him with cargo shipments between 2012 and 2014, and helping him evade state and Mexican authorities.


“Coronel created with knowledge of the narcotics industry and was involved with Guzmán when he was an adolescent… Coronel establishes to the extent that the shipments of cocaine that are enviaban, the heroin tons that are produced… understand the ingress who checks during his matrimony with Guzmán ”, reads the document.

El chapo was married to Coronel in 2007 when she was 17 years old; was married to Ines Coronel, one of the founders of the Cardinal of Sinaloa.

The FBI agent assures in the document that Coronel “provided the cooperative test number 1 about 100,000 dollars and gave him instructions to arrange the purchase of a property near the prison”. Para ello, habría gastado en total alrededor van 1 million de dólares.

Coronel meets with López and with four of Guzmán’s houses to buy the terrain and plan the tunnel excavation by the terminal escaping on its own in a motorbike motorbike, including the logistics to keep the signal flowing.

Defendants Jeffrey Lichtman and Mariel Colón, who form part of the defense in the counterclaim El chapo Guzmán, who also represents Coronel, will not be able to go into further detail about the cargoes he will carry.

The coronel, of 31 years, with Mexican and state citizenship, was detained at Dulles International Airport. Will be presented at videoconference ahead of the Federal District Court of Columbia this March. The female Sinaloa also has the specific purpose of conspiring to import and distribute cocaine, methane, heroin and marijuana.

Mike Vigil, overseeing the international operations of the anti-drug agency DEA, said she was involved in drug trafficking since she was a child. The Cinal de Sinaloa works well.

“Creo que los Chapitos (guzmán hiju de de relaciones anteriores) e Ismael ‘El Mayo’ Zambada (quien se presume es elider lidar des kartel) están temblando ahora”, indicó, porque cree que Coronel probableme colaborará con las autoridades stadadounenses. The same day Vigil interviewed with Telemundo News.

“Cooperará, geen tengo ninguna duda”, dijo Vigil. “I have a lot of motivation and my partner”, he added.

With information from AP on Reform.
