La Guardia Costera de los Estados Unidos (USCG, by its seal in English) is ahead of the Operation Southern Cross, with the support of the Department of State, as part of the actions to strengthen the regional maritime security alliances and bestry the illegal fish, not declared and not regulated in the Atlantic Sur.
The inauguration, for a period of several months, from the new Buque of National Security of the Legend of the USCG class, denominated Stone (WMSL 758), strengthen cooperation and strengthen security throughout the region, informed the Department of State in a communication.
In Guyana, the 9th of January, the Stone and the Guardian Coast Guard Guard of the Guiana will participate in cooperation lawsuits against illegal fishing. This is the first operation with these characteristics that will be implemented jointly with a new agreement on ratified ratification in 2020.
El buque Stone has a preview collaborate with the Marina de Brasil for the realization of joint patrols, with escalations programmed in Rio de Janeiro and Salvador. Luego también recalará en Montevideo, Uruguay, in the first visit of a barracks of the Guardia Costera de los EEUU in more than one decade.
In the Australian Parade, el buque visits Mar del Plata, Argentina, donde la Prefectura Naval lo recibirá con una ceremony wienvenida antes de que el buque regrese a origen. An observer from the Portuguese Marina travels through the Stone and burns in support of the Tripulation and the Diary Operation.
During the race, the Stone also realizes the complete set of institutional missions of the USCG, según lo permitan las circunstancias. Stone’s trip has been intercepted by a rapid carnival in the Caribbean, and in this action, confiscated more than 900 kilos of cocaine the 7th of January, to the Dominican Republic.
United States is a global leader in efforts to counter the illegal fishing, including the work of multilateral institutions to enforce the rules governing international fishing and bilateral compromise with the costly states, porters and markets.
The value of global catch fishing catch in 2018 was superior to $ 151 million and it is estimated that the illegal fishing will generate losses by tens of thousands of millions of dollars each year.
This fishery condemns global food security, destabilizes the economic security of the Costa Rican states and violates the sovereignty of the States to transgress international agreements and the means of conservation of fisheries. ‘In the Atlantic South, we are targeting our regional societies to be alert “During our joint work to protect the waters that we share, we need our societies to ratify and implement the international media such as the FAO Agreement on Mediation of the State Rector of the Port”, said the Department of State.
The Southern Cross Operation is the first patrol of the Atlantic Coast Guard on what is happening in recent history.
Pescadores de Chile denunciaron avistamiento de barcos clandestinos chinos frente at sus costas
Leaders of fishermen of the northern regions of Chile denounce the presence of Chinese clandestine embargoes front at its expense. If the chancellery is advised that there is no formal advertisement for the Chinese regime, a parliament of the northern zone pide investigator to the light of the denunciations that are multiplied.
Carlos Ortiz is the representative of the artisanal fishermen of Caleta Cifuncho, located in the commune of Tal Tal, in the region of Antofagasta, located in the coastal zone of northern Chile of 1,120 kilometers from Santiago. Artesan fishing and buzz, related to Infobae the serious situation that is taking its toll on the progressive fall of resources in the zones that are allowed to extract products for them.
Chinese emergency services provided by the pre-occupied, advised, because impact on the amount of resources available for the extraction of artisanal fishermen.
‘Reproduction is perpetrated, because they are removed by the spirit of the spirit. “They came to extract and do not have the care and the disposition that the Chilean fishermen can eat, because we choose them that we can extract carefully and maintain the reproduction of the resources”, advised.
According to Ortiz, the explanation given by the presence of the Chinese embassies in the area -which are located hundreds of kilometers from the Costa Rican to which the marine species have a transport that transports between the sea and the cost, y especially in high seas, by transit through the clandestine bucks, where the mayor produces depedation. For this reason, there are species that would be reproduced in high seas, no vuelven at its cost.
“Impact on reproduction. The juveniles are used to cover the coast, and when vuelven is allowed to come and reproduce, the result is that there are Chinese barks that are depressed, our sentences are heard, because they are not respected and the remedies are during the reproduction period. These boats have their factors, extra peaks, processes and they are alive”, Announced the conductor.
Chile presupposes complete control over the main marine resource depreciated by the illegal fishing of Chinese farms
Pescadores de Chile denunistian avistamiento de barco clandestinos chinos frente a sus costas y temen por sus trabajos