The EE chin bars. UU. organized self-defense patrol ante oleada de crimen

Violent attacks on the mayors of Oriental races, for money robbery or only for days, are multiplied.

Atrocities, armed robberies and aggression against major figures without apparent motive. The Chinese bars in the “Chinatown” of the United States live a crime scene that has led its veterans to organize self-defense patrols and denounce a type of racism that many times pass by.

In the Chinatown of Oakland (California), one of the most affected by the violence, one Asian youth who is autodenominated “Asians With Attitudes” (Asian with character) is in any case to record the barricades, talk to them tenderos and vigilar que nadie cometa delitos, todo ello, según aseguran, sin portar armas de fuego.

Ataviados con camisetas en mascarillas negras with the logo of the group stamped, the adolescents followed by the calls of the Chinese bar to his leader, the corps Jimmy Bounpheng, imposing with his ankles, gorra with the visor del revés and a large slippery dorado.

“As soon as we are here for you, so that you do not have to worry,” Jimmy told the owner of a tent in the Chinatown corridor as he was selling deportation pads to the kitchen.

“Thank you very much, many thanks”, she contends with the help of the cabeza, and affirms, in response to a question from Efe, which is most sure of receiving the visits of the patrol.

From the beginning of the pandemic, but especially in these first months from 2021, he circulated and internet videos of violent attacks on mayors of Oriental races, in some cases for money robberies in other positions and in other motives, only for causal days.

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A grieving man is trapped

This last category includes some of the most notable episodes he has released: the 84-year-old Vicha Ratanapakdee, who was brutally beaten in San Francisco by Antoine Watson on the 19th; and of a 91-year-old man who was kicked in the sole by the full moon of the day in Oakland’s Chinatown.

“Only in the last few weeks has there been more than one dozen attacks on major people”, explained Efe Leanna Louie, veteran of the Ejército Stadium and one of the founders of the United Peace Corps, formed by volunteer volunteers who patrol the San Barrier Francisco.

“It’s nothing new. The attacks on American Asians took place in 1882 with the Exclusion of the Chinese. We have always been guilty of working with other people. But if it is not worth it, we will be able to do work that much of the other people do not want to do, ”Louie said.

Accusations of racist attacks

It has had ancient times, the problem has been aggravated in the last few hours, and it has required a ton of more racial debits on the part of the aggressors in the former Asian countries – among them the two previously mentioned cases.

For a year, 2020, in which the racial tensions escalate to the height above the death of African-American George Floyd in the wake of a white police force, many in the Asian community now know that these attacks are also motivated by racism. habla.

Without embarrassment, social justice activists and the Black Lives Matter movement (“The Important Black Lives”) are warning of the risk of infiltrating the communities of racial minorities that, in their part, will collaborate.

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The support of African Americans

“He came here to support the Asian community against violence and made it clear that everywhere the world is this audio and animated version of them”, quoted Efe Carolyn Ransom-Scott, an African-American religion who has been active in Oakland patrolling vigilantly .

Although well received by the tenders and by the community in general, these patrols are present with preoccupation with the Police, as the past week has passed on to the victims who have not been arrested after a shopkeeper was detained for distributing various drugs to a lord who sustrajo la camera de fotografiar a una transeúnte.

In the incident, the result was hereditary and the landlord stayed with the chamber, according to the head of the Oakland Police, the African American LeRonne Armstrong, advised that “when poor arms can have collateral wounds” and trust the wounds that sean ” buenos testigos ”en lugar de justicieros.

Since the start of the pandemic, he has reportedly attacked attacks of Asian origin. The Stop AAPI Hate Campaign, which documents racial violence cases, received 2,808 cases of Asian-American cases between March and December.

For its part, the New York Police Department has reported that the crimes against audio against this minority will increase to 1,900 per cent in the city by 2020.

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