The editor of ‘The Washington Post’ was a Biden de dejar impulse of the period of Khashoggi | International

A vigil in Washington commemorates the periodical assigned Jamal Khashoggi, passed October 2, 2019, to mark one year of death.
A vigil in Washington commemorates the periodical assigned Jamal Khashoggi, passed October 2, 2019, to mark one year of death.SARAH SILBIGER / Reuters

Middle East has been very close to Joe Biden facing the dilemmas of the geopolitical table and the fragility of electoral promises. The new president of the United States, who during the promising campaign against Saudi Arabia by the assassin of the dissident Jamal Khashoggi in 2018, has avoided direct sanctions against the principle of hereditary Mohamed Bin Salman, who, according to state intelligence services the ejection of the columnist of The Washington Post. The editor and executive president of this periodical, Fred Ryan, denounced in a lengthy article published this month that Biden exemplifies responsibilities in Salmán, advocating “a step for a free assignment”, in order to save cooperation with the Riad in the conflicting region .

“It seems that the Biden Administration, the depots that offer a momentary strategic value for the United States can concede a step to a free assignment,” Ryan said in the article, three times that the Casa Blanca hinted at being elaborate on the death of Khashoggi, concluding that the principle of heredity was lost during the operation, which took place in Turkey. A death squadron, following the investigation, traveled to Istanbul and engaged in periodicals in order for the Saudi consulate to carry out a search. Once inside, it was removed.

The conclusions of the information are officially shared, black on white, the fours, but have been adhered to for some time, up to the point that the candidate Biden has been talking about during the campaign. The Democrat, as the editor of the Post in his article, había promised “hacerles pay the price and convert, hecho, in the parishes that his”. “Khashoggi has been assigned and disembarked, following creed, by order of the principle of heredity”.

In his statements, in summary, he made a rumor blanket regarding the Republican Donald Trump, which prevented the publication of the information and also resumed demanding responsibility to Riyadh. Without embarrassment, a document was published the four days ago, the Administration limited itself to announcing the imposition of visa restrictions on 76 Saudis who “are believed to have been involved in settlements and disputes abroad”, according to a statement from the Department of State. Ni una palabra sobre Salmán. Biden, following the findings of the Administration quoted today by The New York Times, as a directive on the principle of Arruinaria cooperating with Riyadh in the fight against terrorism and tensions with Iran. “The relationship with Saudi Arabia is even bigger than any individual,” he said, according to Antony Blinken, the head of state diplomacy.

For Fred Ryan, who is the assessor of the Reagan Administration, decides that Oriente Medio is a complicated place to go. The executive lamented that the presidents of the stadium had made several equivocal formations thinking in the courtroom and that they wanted to take the case with the new inquilino of the Casa Blanca. Ryan writes that state attorneys “will take over Biden’s word about restoring the United States as a defender of human rights and not allowing exceptions to staff relations or current strategic needs.” For the editor of The Washington Post, the Democrat president is pushing for a union over his electoral promises and “is on the verge of collapse”.

Jamal Khashoggi lives in the United States and is a habitual collaborator of Post. It was about to turn 60 years old when it was assigned on October 2, 2018. Critical of the Riyadh regime, the periodical has been blaming the diplomatic legacy of Istanbul for releasing traumas related to its future matrimony with a Turkish woman a trozos. The Saudi court condemned the death of five men by the assessee (although the penalties were committed in September 20 to 20 years in prison) and three others received prison sentences. The tribunal, in exchange, exonerated Saud al Qahtani, a controversial assessor of Bin Salmán, who considered the contact between him and the executor.

The conflict over a Biden that last week marks a bombing in Syria against the structures of militias attacked by Iran, as well as a retaliatory attack on Iraqi states and allies. Various of the Democratic proposals in the Capitol criticize him for being a scapegoat for the Congress. For the presidents of the United States, Middle East is a constant proof.

