The earth is at its closest point to the sun today

NASA recently, January 2, 2021, talked a bit about something going on between Earth and the Sun. Today, the Earth’s perihelion, which is the closest point it reaches to the sun in our planet’s elliptical orbit around our host. NASA says the sun will not appear significantly larger in the sky.

Despite not looking bigger, it will be three percent bigger in the air. NASA also reminds people not to look at the sun, it is very dangerous for your eyes. The only way to be able to see the sun is to use the right glasses or goggles that are specifically designed to look at the sun.

NASA also took the time to talk about other interesting things in the sky in January. On January 20, Uranus will be much easier as it is located between the moon and Mars. Uranus is usually so far away that we cannot see it with the naked eye, and it is difficult to detect it without a telescope guided by a computer. Although it is easier to find it between the moon and Mars, it is likely that you will not be able to see it without a telescope.

During the last two weeks of January, amateur astronomers will also find Mercury easier than usual. Amateur astronomers need a clear view of the West to see Mercury. Mercury will only appear a few degrees above the horizon.

Another interesting joy about the earth reaching its perihelion today is that the earth will reach the aphelion six months later. The aphelion is the point when the Earth is at its farthest point from the sun. On that day, sunlight reaching the earth’s surface would be about 6.7 percent less intense than usual.
