The E3 2021 game expo is reportedly going digital


E3 is coming back.

James Martin / CNET

The Electronic Entertainment Expo, or E3, was one of the very big events canceled last year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This year it seems that the organizers of the show are ready to take the expo online if they can get game publishers to jump on board.

According to a proposal from the Entertainment Software Association, plans for a three-day livestream E3 will take place from June 15 to 17, according to Video Games Chronicles Monday. The association has confirmed that it will make changes to this year’s event, but not whether it will be completely digital.

“We can confirm that we are transforming the E3 experience for 2021 and will soon be telling exact details on how we are bringing the global video game community together,” ESA said in an email on Monday. “We’ve been having great conversations with publishers, developers and companies across the board, and we look forward to sharing details about their involvement soon.”

The show will consist of several main sessions of gaming ventures, an awards show, a preview event and streams presented by publishers, developers, influencers and others. To go along with the live streams, the ESA suggests that demos for the featured games will be available on various gaming platforms.

The plans for a digital E3 require the approval of ESA members, which include prominent companies in the gambling industry.

The E3 2020 cancellation came in March when the coronavirus pandemic gained a foothold in the US. Even without a show, companies like Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo offered digital opportunities during the summer months to showcase their upcoming games next generation hardware.

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