The Dura Copa Libertadores, a tournament that does not allow dynasties to sail

If you have any doubts about what Copa Libertadores is one of the most difficult towers of the planet, the show is part of the new millennium, in South America there is no club that can mark a dynasty, as suedía antaño, when había equipos que la ganaban con muchísima regularidad. This Saturday, Palmeiras y Santos will be played in the Final of the tournament next year of the Cono Sur football.

Santos tiene nueve años sin ganarla, Palmeiras, 20

Take note that Finale of this Saturday corresponding to the 2020 edition, the contingents to the title have a long time without delivering the Copa. In 2011, was the last occasion in which Santos I won the certificate with no less than a Neymar como su skoolhoof figur y derrotando al Peñarol de Uruguay in the Final.

Y si Santos has 10 years of no ganarla, nor what to say of Palmeiras; el Verdao no gana la Libertadores desde hace más de dos decades, toda vez que la ultima ocasieón fue en 1999, quu le ganó la Final al Deportivo Cali de Colombia.

Sunday ‘dynasties’ in South America

Take care of them last 20 years, hooiklubs que sí la han alcanzado en una o más occasiones, pero none of them were able to win with a regular regularity.

Boca Juniors it is quiz that it is doing more to a “hegemony” in the Libertadores, toda vez que in the new millennium, la ganó en 2000, 2001 (A Cruz Azul), 2003 and 2007. Sin embargo, han pasado ya 13 largos años sin que el Xeneize you can turn to ganarla, quedándose muy cerca in the editions of 2012 and 2018 (the one that ends with River Plate).

River plate, multicampeón de la Libertadores in the second decade of 2000, it was in 2015 (a Tigres) y af 2018 (a Boca Juniors). Without embarrassment, until he passed away 19 years ago, when his titles were released, it was released in 1996.

Flamengo, which took place in 2019, delayed 38 years in recovery, and was previously acquired in 1981. Board tardó 22 years in volverla to ganar in 2017, ya que su ultima había sido in 1995, mientras que Inter de Porto Alegre only the consignment on both occasions: 2010 and 2006 (the one I won Chivas).

Other cases like Olympia (2002), Once Caldas (2004), Sao paulo (2005), Quito League (2008), Students (2009), Atlético Nacional (2016), San lorenzo (2014), Atlético Mineiro (2013) y Corinthians (2012), he held the title in this year respectively, but after he was unable to figure out a new account.

Independiente, the only Rey of Copas ‘Libertador’

Historically, there is only one team that can be considered as “Rey de Copas“and it’s being the Independent of Avellaneda, because it’s going all out, because it’s a Libertadores to be refiere, is the one who has the most death South America (siete), los cuales ganó en los años 1964, 1965, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1984; es decir, 20 years dominating the cono on and his tournament of clubs more important. Sondeverbod, accumulated 36 years without obtaining a new account.
