The dispute between the Sinaloa Card and the CJNG increased 50% of homicides in Zacatecas

executed Zacatecas (Photo: Twitter @ araujogar)
executed Zacatecas (Photo: Twitter @ araujogar)

In the last few years, an alarming increase in homicides in Zacatecas has been recorded, as well as a strategic location that has been converted into a high-altitude zone for the distribution of drugs and the chemical precursors of Pacific and Gulf Pacific. . It is disputed by the Jalisco New Generation Card (CJNG) and the Sinaloa Card.

This situation has provoked that since a couple of years ago it has presented more than 1,000 reports of missing persons and the multiplication of cases of homicide in the past.

In agreement with the figures of the Executive Secretariat of the National System of Public Security (SESNSP), Zacatecas recorded an increase of 50 cases per cent in the number of homicidal cases in 2020 compared with the 2017 and 2019 registers.

In 2017 the SSPC registered 551 homicidal cases, in 2018 there were 561 cases and in 2019 510 cases were accounted for. Sondeverbod, in 2020 the number increased to 789 homicides. In addition, there is a release of 42 homicides from 42 cases during the months of January 2017 to 2020, for the first time this year presents the SESNSP notification 108 dead violence.

Inseguridad Zacatecas (Photo: Cuartoscuro)
Inseguridad Zacatecas (Photo: Cuartoscuro)

It was created that the dispute over the control of the commencement of commencement in 2018 when cells of the CJNG, ordered by Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes, alias El mencho, eruption in the known zones as the canals of Jalpa and Tlaltenango, located in the limits of Jalisco. The initial confrontations will be presented to the groups of Los Zetas and del Golfo, who are active in the entity.

The first phase of the plan for the invasion of the state of Zacatecas by the CJNG consisted of obtaining in communities of many resources of the year, to fire in them a security perimeter that allows the arrival of more contingents.

Once the total control of these localities has been achieved, with a sufficient number of elements and an adequate pool of power, it will start the offensive advances and the expansion of the most important municipal card of the center and north of Zacatecas, which is the center of its influence and Sinaloa, respectively.

The state of the country security reports that the first card that went up with the big Zacatecas fueron Los Zetas — now translated into the North Card (CDN) –

Inseguridad Zacatecas (Photo: Cuartoscuro)
Inseguridad Zacatecas (Photo: Cuartoscuro)

The CDN has its base of operations in Tamaulipas (north of Mexico). In the territory of Zacatecano is assisted by its designated denomination The Taliban, who lost land in Zacatecas, about to leave in 2019, Sinaloa Card was introduced to the municipalities of Sombrerete, Miguel Auza and Juan Aldama.

Zacatecas initiated the year with a year of violence that covered the life of 161 people during January, a number of visitors from which there are public records of homicidal victims and which are marked as a mark in comparison with all of them in 2015. jump to encapsulate the list at the national level, with the highest number of cases following the tamana of its population.


Zacatecas, the battlefield between the Sinaloa Card and the CJNG: 15 people were arrested on narcotics
Cártel del Noreste enters the battle of Zacatecas: dejaron cuerpos y narcomensajes al CJNG
FGR wins the five-year-old process of enlisting the military in Zacatecas
