The disgruntled man from the horrific war that broke out in the Capitol called Trump’s indictment

Jacob Anthony Chansley, also known as Jake Angeli.  REUTERS / Stephanie Keith / File Photo
Jacob Anthony Chansley, also known as Jake Angeli. REUTERS / Stephanie Keith / File Photo

The man who attacked the passage 6 of another disgraced warrior sioux, with a gorro with blacks and his shirt in the Capitol in Washington and the presidency momentarily the Senate stadium has asked that the President-elect, Donald Trump, concede the loss.

If you want to know Albert Watkins, the advocate of Jacob Albert Chansley, also known as Jake Angeli, a member of the QAnon conspiracy theories movement who called “Yellowstone Wolf” on his YouTube channel, he plays local media these games .

Given the pacifist form and obedience in which the Chansley Senator is supported, the series is honored and honorable that the President forgives the Chansley Senator and other pacific ideas“, The subject’s defender stated his presence in the Capitol went viral in the social speeches and called the attention of miles of people.

According to the Department of Justice, Chansley has agreed to enter or permanently establish any restricted land without legal authority, and violates and conducts disorderly conduct in the Capitol’s land.

The balance against this recent balance with five people killed, between them a policy of the amendment of the Legislative.

A man who broke the path of another disgruntled passerby on Sunday, with a hat on his head and his shirt in the Capitol in Washington, asked that the President-elect, Donald Trump, pay the price.  EFE / JIM LO SCALZO / Archive
A man who broke the path of another disgruntled passerby on Sunday, with a hat on his head and his shirt in the Capitol in Washington, asked that the President-elect, Donald Trump, pay the price. EFE / JIM LO SCALZO / Archive

Chansley joined the authorities and was permanently detained since last Saturday.

His affidavit, in statements reproduced by publication The cup, whose client “I have heard the words frequently repeated by President Trump.”

“It seems that the words and the invitation of a president mean something”, defense.

Este jueves, the director of the Bureau Federal de Investigaciones (FBI, English English), Christopher Wray, reveals the fact that he has 100 people, and the relationship with the asalto del Capitolio, in actions taken in capitals such as Phoenix (Arizona), Dallas (Texas) and Honolulu, in the Hawaii Archipelago.

The Chamber of Deputies has voted on Wednesday for the initiation of a political lawsuit against Trump, second only to his accusation at the White House, including the accusation of “incitement to insurrection” by the Capitol.

Angeli in the Capitol.  Win McNamee / Getty Images / AFP
Angeli in the Capitol. Win McNamee / Getty Images / AFP

After this action, shy het ‘n uiterste las medidas de seguridad en Washington de cara a la investidura del democrat Joe Biden como nuevo presidents, una ceremonie a la que Trump anticipo que no assistirá.

On the other hand, Angeli does not bother to go to the detention center where she is arrested, only to have an organic comedy, and the security guards do not prove this type of food.

He has not been detained since he was arrested, said he was attending a virtual hearing in a federal court on Monday, according to The Arizona Republic. ‘Follow an extremely restrictive diet, quizzes on religious grounds“, Aseguró.

His mother, Martha Chansley, explained the situation of his wife. “If there are no organic foods”, aseguró, says the periodical. “Necesita comer”. afirmó.

In virtual comparison before the tribunal, Deborah Fine’s Magistrate’s Court affirms being “deeply concerned” and the accusation filed by the defendant that resolves the issue with the state attorneys.

With EFE information


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