The difficulty of finding Venezuelans without documents in Colombia

In the recent Navidad, Yakelin Timaure did not adorn his house with hatches without buying hallucinations, the traditional comedy of his native Venezuela. Tampoco put the powder on its hips at 10 and 15 years old, with women crossing the border into Colombia on illegal roads and a 500-kilometer truck to Bogotá.

“The digo has told me that the important thing is that we have health. “If the 24 and the 31 are not connected, we will not be able to do so, we will be together,” Yakelin told The Associated Press

Colombia is the world of the world that has the most migrants and Venezuelan refugees. The official figures number 1,700,000 people, of whom 56% are living in unrealistic ways.

Yakelin, 38 years old, is a professional nurse. Its maneuver is classified and necessary in the event of a pandemic because it has not been approved because it has no passport or permission to work in Colombia. Some work during the week working on a foundation that will help and help us with our work.

The tax case for the migrant population living in Colombia last year was 20.8% in the period from November 2019 to October 2020, up from 20.9% from the same period last year, according to the Department of Administration Nacional de Estadística, DANE.

The money in the Yakelin alcanza: Ghana 115 dollars per month and must pay 100 for a lease in La Merced, a popular barrier of cold and dry roads to the south of Bogotá.

In his case there is a chest of drawers with soles of soles, a small step and a never in the almighty heel to be sold in bolsas as a way to consume more ingresses. Here are the quarters: one for his daughters and another for her and her couple, who have informal and sporadic jobs.

Yakelin belongs to a numerous family. It’s the mayor of his hometown and recalls that in Navidad all reunions took place in a Venezuelan people of the city of Lara, also in Caracas. Hacían una cena con sus padres y les daban pastel a los niños.

‘Yo soy muy apegada con mi mamá. Always the day that never has to go alone. Now it’s sick, it’s fractured the pie and it can not burn. I’m very worried. The mandate is 20,000 pesitos (one six dollars), but it is not the same. It’s very difficult to get together for the trips to Venezuela “, said the woman.

Including the medium of the pandemic and the economic constraints that ten, there are Venezuelan migrants who travel to their homes to visit their families in Navidad and the resources that are scarce in their world, while the minimum wage is at the expense of a monthly dollar.

“Human mobility has been reduced by the pandemic but has not disappeared. Se da en las dos direcciones ”, declares the AP Ronal Rodríguez, researcher at the Observatory of Venezuela of the University of Rosario. “In real terms, the frontman is the one who is raising the irregular pace of people.”

In the frontier city of Cucuta, Emmy Colmenares, Venezuelan, and his wife John Moreno, Colombian, working transporting malts through the illegal passes that connect with the state of Táchira. Paradoxically, they have not been to Venezuela since they arrived to visit their families.

“In a good day we made four journeys for four males, each one with 10 pesitos (three dollars) and no one sold anything”, said John, 37 years old, to the AP,

During the quarantine, which began in Colombia on March 25 and ended in September, its economic situation deteriorated. I will not work with Emmy, for 33 years, but I have to keep track of his embarrassment.

“In veces hay para una torta, per este este año no habrá natilla (postre typica en Navidad)”, added the Colombian.

In Latin America and the Caribbean, the precarious situation of the Venezuelan migrants and refugees has been aggravated by the media, which may have fueled the propaganda of COVID-19, as well as the confinements, quirks and clashes of frontiers, according to the Agency. ONU for Refugees in its plan to pay attention to migrants and refugees in 2021, presented on 10 December.
