The desperation of the Cruz Azul directives

“Calm down, calm down … don’t worry about it”, the playful phrase of the talented Roberto Gómez Bolaños in his interpretation of Chapulín Colorado, it was a great reflection of the situation that is seen in the grades of Aztec Stadium the end of the week. El retruécano de “that does not hurt the panic”, was the generalized thinking of the assistants who were present at the meetings of the new directives of Cruz Azul en el Coloso de Santa Úrsula.

The cayeron cements by the second consecutive day in this Guard1anes 2021 ante el Puebla, and the tension that prevails in the camp with some celestial footballers, translates into the gradations in the impeachment and desperation of the new farmers of La Máquina.

In the broadcast of the poll by the TUDN signal, one of the commenters reported an anecdote that was passed down to the television stations. According to the communicator, in the final minutes of the meeting, Cruz Azul vivieron’s directives preview of the final pitches and points.

“Agree one more. Agree one more!”, if a decision is made against one of the directives, which will be sent to the central judge of the shock, Juan Andres Esquivel Gonzalez, the compensation for the time lost by the visiting guard, Antony Silva, ante each saque de puerta.

The image of a jerky suit of clothes and clothes, demanding mandates from the chief arbitrator, synthesizes what is alive in the news of Cruz Azul: Desperation and search for a ‘landlord’ before all the men who are above the institution.

Have the benefit of the doubt
