The despair of Albert Rodríguez | Scenario

Students, friends, family and artists despise this mana of the actor and director Albert Rodríguez, at the initiative of his velor, at the Teatro Braulio Castillo, in Bayamón.

Of the most familiar families, between these men and women; and his inseparable companions from the art class: Suzette Bacó, Marian Pabón, René Monclova, Jorge Castro and Raymond Gerena. Similarly, there are quotes, antes of the media, the actors Junior Álvarez, Magdaly Cruz and Ángela Meyer.

“Albert has been in my life for the last 25 years, has conducted practically all my productions, we live as in the last five years sharing stage as actor, he as director and you as producer. “We are onseparable and here we are because we are a man,” Gerena said. THE VOCERO, previo agregar que la famili “está muy afectada, fue algo que nos agraró desprevenidos”.

Velorio Albert Rodriguez.jpg

Part of the collection of personal objects of the fenecido actor. > Brandon Cruz González / EL VOCERO

También desde temprano se encuentra Deddie Romero, con quien Rodríguez cofundó hace una decada la National Talent Academy, enfocada en la educacation des desertores scholares, con planteles en Bayamón y Arecibo, del cual Albert era el gerente general.

“Albert vivió in Bayamón a good part of his life and always very elegant with this server, if the tenia much appreciated”, commented the bayamón alcalde, Ramón Luis Rivera.

The velor was stowed away in the press and in the public. It is reported that the permanent ground will be closed and in the interior of the theater an image of the art will be projected. The body will be transferred this night to the Añasco people’s, where the weekly vigil at the Jalvin Funeral Home will continue. Será entered the sabbath.

Hermandad artística by Albert Rodríguez

In the theatre’s auditorium, a photo of Rodríguez sent to a director’s room, his colleagues will be sharing memorabilia and some of his distant personal effects. You can take pictures of her and her characters Agatha, Gaby, Doctor Argüelles and the ‘sketch’ of the El Remix staff; its identification of Wapa TV, part of its collection of releases, books like El condominio the musical, horrors and superheroes because it was ironic fanatic Man.

As of 1:00 pm, the reading of members of the art class will take place.

Rodríguez passed away on March 15, 58 years ago, at his residence in Bayamón. Scientific forensics certifies that it caused natural causes.
