The desigualdades in the access to the vacancies are the most grotesque each day, according to OMS

Every day the disassemblies in the access to the vacancies against the covid-19 are accentuated and made “more grotesque”, afirmó hoy the Director-General of the World Health Organization (OMS), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus .

In order to assess the situation of the pandemic and the distribution of the vacancies that are in the market, the responsible person who is “shocking” that the countries with the most resources hagan “tan poco” to reverse this situation.

Without naming the countries, Tedros criticized those who “prefer to evacuate young people and that there is no risk category where other countries can be evacuated to their sanitary workers and mayors”.

Israel is the country that has been vaccinated, with practically all its eligible population that has received the first dose of the vaccine and more of the mid-dose dose.

United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, Chile and United States are the countries that follow the list of water that he has communicated to the mayor in proportion to his inhabitants.

“Some lands are in the square for vacancy in their enterprises, while other lands do not have anything. If you can buy a security in short space, but it is an impression of false security “, the admonition.

Record that allows the transmission of coronavirus continuously in distant parts of the planet appear more variants that, potentially, can evade the action of the vacancies.

Without embarrassment, not all the lands have emptied the truck to accommodate vacancies, and podium.

Corea del Sur, a country with sufficient economic media to negotiate direct contracts with pharmaceuticals, opted to form part of the COVAX platform, created by the OMS in collaboration with other organizations, for an equitable distribution of vacancies.

Of the 450 million administered vacancies up to today, COVAX alone has distributed 30 million because it has not received enough summits.
