The desigualdad en vacuna contra el covid-19 podría causar una “mortel consecuencia”, advierte la Cruz Roja

(CNN) – Alrededor del 70 per ciento de todas las doses de la vacuna contra el coronavirus que han han applicat aro niveal hem han administrade un los 50 paises más ricos en Comparison con solo el 0.1 a 50 percent ciento administra in los 50 poises poises, según an analysis of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC).

The International Federation describes the disparity as alarming and that it could have “deadly and devastating” consequences, warning that if large areas of the world are permanently uninhabited, the virus will continue to circulate and mutate.

In an effort to address the imbalance in the distribution of vacancies around the world, the IFRC has announced it has a new US $ 110 million plan (100 million French francs) which, as an objective, supports 500 million people against el covid-19.

“This is alarming because justice and poverty can prolong or exacerbate this terrible pandemic,” said Jagan Chapagain, Secretary-General of the International Federation.

“We are all in the same boat. We can not victimize the mayor of the city in some places so that the minor mayor can be evacuated in another way ”, added.
