The designs of Giannina Azar in Premios Lo Nuestro

The talent of the Dominicans is admirable. Todavía was not moved by the emotion on the news that the Nike “De lo mío” (inspired by the Dominican people) was launched on February 27; when the celebration of Premio Lo Nuestro took our day employees, thanks to the significant presence of talents that made him a local talent, the designer Giannina Azar.

Geen hooi mejor scenarios para la maestra del “Te veel”, cuyo encanto ha hecho que nuerstro nombre sea mencionado en scenario tan lujosos con Dubai; without counting the red alfombras of the great premiums of the world. Anoche fue magenta. The famous limousines in the American Airlines Arena in Miami, between them Luz García, Clarissa Molina, Yuri, Gloria Trevi, Ivy Qeen and Dalex, among others seen with Azar artwork.

In the particular case of Dalex’s design, it is evident that the experience and sensuality also increase in order to result in a feminine silhouette.

For the sake of it, these Latin women may not be the best image to exalt the quality of what we have in the Dominican Republic, we will continue to show:

Dominican presenter Clarissa Molina is like an angel if allowed to be sensual. The combination of the superior part of the vestio type corset, the transparencies and the wall that makes the belt, there is an exit game with the lower part enriched volume and movement.

The glasses have an exhilaration stand in the designs of Giannina Azar; In the case of Ivy Queen, I want to highlight the unique personality that has always been featured in this Puerto Rican reggaeton.

The beautiful tonality of blue, the adjustment of the silhouette without extremes and a transparency that works well as a pronounced shot, make it a perfect combination.

Since there is a time, if you have the threats to Luz García in a barn, you can look for those around you who have “Partner in crime” Jomary Goyso. Los lucieron hermosos. This tonality that Luz rescues the color of his eyes, the aperture in the pier dio libertad al largo extreme of vestido, without interrupting the protagonism of the superior escort … well done!

The one who sings to many of the “master” designs is Yuri. On repeated occasions he calls them to resale and sees that the logarithm “with much envy”.

The large and well-worn dressing room that Gloria Trevi lives in shows with its alluring and radiant action that the embellishment is nocturnal, in that the cultural figure has resulted.

It seems that some have confessed that Dalex’s action did not cause the aggravated cause to cause the breach of the belt, which he said had not passed through; hay que recordar que la modo no es un vestido sino la represent representa un un personalidad … ese es él atrevido com el accesorio. El traje se lo pudo poner hququiera y ya; this element is the differentiator, for so much so.
