The Democrats are running in Washington, but it is possible that in two years they will change

By Alex Seitz-Wald – NBC News

WASHINGTON – The president, Joe Biden, and the Democratic congress are taking part in the judiciary, ahead of the upcoming election for the mid-term elections of 2022, when voters decide whether the president has more than two years to advance with less than marcha.

The Democrats have defended a majority of 221 fronts to 211 congressmen in the Chamber of Deputies (218 are required for control) and in the Senate from 50 fronts to 50, losing including the cost of control over the party the room.

The story is not about his lado. The president’s party lost seats in the House of Representatives in all cases at the mid-term elections since the 1930s. For the most part, large losses occur during its first period.

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“In 2020, Republicans will win 28 of the 29 most competitive districts to criticize the jobs elimination policies that Joe Biden has promoted during his first week in the cargo,” said Michael McAdams, spokesman for the Republican National Congressional Committee. of the camp of the Republican Party of the Chamber of Representatives.

“If the Democrats of the Chamber of Deputies think that 2020 will be bad, there will be at least the least prepared for what the cycle of 2022 will do,” he said.

The only exception to this historic trend is from 2002, when the country supported Republican President George W. Bush in the wake of the September 11 terrorist attacks.

The Democrats hope that Biden will succeed in the wake of the crisis provoked by the COVID-19 pandemic.

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“Organizererder, organizereerder, organizereerder. Así como rompimos la historia y ganamos dos elecciones de segunda vuelta en Georgia”, recordo el viernes el nuev president of Comité Nacional Demócrata, Jaime Harrison, en la cadena MSNBC.

But there are more and more questions that are being asked about the proximity of the political arena. Here are the five biggest:

1. What happened to Trump?

In his most recent statements as president, Donald Trump said “some form of theft”. Including allegations of harassment and evictions on Twitter, Trump is seen as a popular abomination among Republican voters and only the 5% that Lamentaba voted for when he was ousted by the Capitol in the first week of January.

The Democrats have the highest number of eligible candidates against Trump since he was in the ballot box, as in the 2018 midterm elections and Georgia Senate elections. Now it is clear that there are going to be problems for the transfer of the executor’s office.

“It’s impossible for them to drop the money and recruit the classic Republican banker of the suburban camp club to post for the Congress,” said Tyler Law, a Democratic administrator who works in the House of Representatives elections.

“A lot of people have been living their crude comments in a few years. “The stadiums did not live up to the promise that our Capitol was targeted by domestic terrorists robbed of Trump’s reputation,” he said.

2. What happened to the Republican Party?

Including Trump’s decision to pass the time on the golf course, the Republican Party will soon have to adjust its internal accounts regarding its influence and future.

Trump aids in sacrificing the participation of the bases that are most affected by the party (wins the popular presidential vote only one year in 32 years), but without it, some will duplicate the trumpism while others want to pass the page.

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“I have some very competitive primaries, if not brutal, for the Senate nominations in cities like Georgia, Arizona and elsewhere,” said Matt Gorman, a Republican strategist who worked in the House of Representatives elections.

As a result, Republicans are facing a similar position after Barack Obama’s 2008 election and Volvo’s victory in mid-term elections, and Democrats hiccuped the same after Trump’s 2016 victory.

3. All about lasbasisse?

In the past, Democrats have a hard time believing that their base participates in presidential elections, and after four years of protests, constant donations and preoccupations, party voters can be anxious for a political breakthrough.

Republicans, meanwhile, enforce their challenge to convert to their Trump bases, and can be more difficult to evade the sentiment of the Republicans.

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También enfrentan algunos obstacculos financieres despue de que les grandes corporations annunciaron que cortarían donations debido a los disturbios en el Capitolio, al minos por un timo, y con la marginiona de algunos de sus mayors patrocinadores, como la Associon.

“Obviously Democrats have cultivated their donor base online much better than Republicans, but many have made donations from Ireland against Trump,” explains Jessica Taylor, analyst at the political bulletin Cook Politieke Verslag. “There is no guarantee that the Republicans will make donations based in the same way, because Biden is not a division of the same way,” he said.

4. What happened to Biden?

The Biden’s predecessors will enter the White House with total Washington control and promote popular events that will culminate in a “palace” in mid-term elections, as Obama memorably said.

Trump’s vacancy is taking its toll on the Women’s Market one day. Y Obama, ‘n pesar de comenzar con indexes of astronomical approval, vio the first indications of conservative reaction in the mites of the Tea Party organized in February of 2009, poco more than one despot of that assume the cargo.

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Biden, coinciding with the party strategies, is less divisive than Obama or Trump. And the Conservatives have tenacious difficulties in converting the president into a man who ignites and fires at his base, for example, Hillary Clinton.

Restrictions on the previous pandemic will disrupt the popularity of popular protests, but in response to the distance restrictions will also be able to move to a new movement.

Can Biden be able to stop the pandemic and rebuild the economy as promised? Does your administration enforce the scandals that surjan? Deben hacerlo.

5. Where is the map?

All cities are subject to their censorship maps, as we will not be able to see the districts of the Congress in 2022. It is hoped that some states with populations such as New York will be represented in the Congress in Texas, while others , somen.

“I believe that Republicans are well positioned to return to the House of Representatives, for the sake of $ 64,000 it is: ‘Will there be a redistribution of districts?'” Gorman, the Republican strategist, said.

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Republicans have held the sale in the states since 2020 will result in a decisive year in the vote against the Democrats, but it is not as decisive as the last time, after 2010.

Mientras tanto, en el Senado, el mapa está listo. Democrats have ten to defend Sen. Raphael Warnock, a Democrat for Georgia, and Mark Kelly, a Democrat for Arizona, who are keen to win special elections, but need to post new ones for a full six-year term. También also has senators for the New Hampshire and Nevada elections, which Biden won only by a few.

In the Republican lad, Pat Toomey, senator from Pennsylvania, is jubilant, giving a free assistant in a state that Biden lives. Ron Johnson, senator from Wisconsin, an unconditional conservator, is on the list for the election in another state of Biden. And the Republican Party also tends to defend escorts in North Carolina and Florida.
