The Democrats are evaluating approving parts of Biden’s aid plan against the Republicans: explaining what constitutes this maneuver | Univision Diner News

President Joe Biden has said that Search for “semaks proxasas dos semanas” las negotiation about its proposed $ 1.9 billion aid bill (trillion in English) and its meta is a bipartisan agreement. That is, without embarrassment, complicated with the persistent resistance of Republican legislators a dar luz verde has another package of economic estimates.

Biden dijo también que was able to negotiate some points currently in dispute – How to send a check for $ 1,400 on the same terms as the previous direct payments – with the opening of the gate to modify its plantings so that the project obtains the 60 necessary votes in the Senate.

However, if it were, for example, the most recent case in which talks on aid plans between Democrats and Republicans were delayed, it could be estimated that these new negotiations are taking place as early as the week ahead of Biden. The Democratic leader proposed in the Alta Chamber, Chuck Schumer, mentioned in the verse that the new package will be approved in mid-March, when the federal benefits are mentioned by example.

It is in this scenario that it has exercised the option that the Democrats prioritize some parties in the aid plan and seek approval with a process expedited in the Congressional Assembly as ‘reconciliation’ or reconciliation. This process has been discussed by Schumer and the chairmen of the presiding committees: John Yarmuth, in the Chamber of Representatives, and Bernie Sanders, in the Senate.

Y Biden did not close the door to this alternative while consulting the index and answering: “It will depend on how you travel to these negotiations”. The decision, aggregate, queda in manos of the legislative books.

What are the steps of this process? What has been used in the past? What aspects does the petitioner have an option to consider in order to be approved by the mayor during the congressional hearing? The exposition of a sequel:

