The Democratic Party proposes benefits of $ 3,000 per year

The Democratic majority in the House of Representatives has forewarned to present this month a legislative proposal that would cost millions of families less than $ 3,000 a month, as part of the 1.9 billion-dollar aid package, led by President Biden, against the economic crisis provoked by the coronavirus pandemic.

The Internal Tax Service (IRS, by its seal in English) proportions $ 3,600 per year for each minor age of 6 years, as well as $ 3,000 per minor age from 6 to 17 years. These amounts decrease for the citizens who earn more than 75,000 dollars annually, as well as for the couples who add up more than 150,000 a year, according to the subject of the media publication.

The pagons are enrolled monthly from July in operation of the family or family members in 2020. Although the proposed credit is only for one year, some Democrats affirm that Pelarian to permanently convert and fight the infant poverty in Estad .

The bill, co-chaired by Richard E. Neal, Democrat from Massachusetts and chair of the Media and Arbitration Committee of the House of Representatives, is known as the Democrats accelerate to succeed ahead of the plan of estimated before the end of the month.

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It was also announced that Senator Mitt Romney, a Republican from Utah, would present a proposal to send more money directly to the families of the residents, compromising his support for Biden’s plan.

“The pandemic is affecting families and poverty, and it is devastating. We believe that the credit is due to them being the most generous, the most accessible, and the monthly payment, this money will be the difference between having a tech and committing in the month.” “, Neal argued in a statement issued by CNN.

Ley’s project, of 22 pages, was published by The Washington Post.

The President, Joe Biden, at the Casa Blanca in Washington DC, February 5, 2021.AP Photo / Alex Brandon

This medium defines the economic agenda of the Biden and the Administration could give a lasting halt to the policy of bienestar estadounidense. Its election will also be a critical result in clarifying the ability of Democrats to maintain control of Congress, given its likely direct impact over the life of millions of voters.

At the behest of Romney, various Republican and Academic Conservatives have criticized these mediocre proportions, dicen, proportions of the governing body as much as the workers who work for them.

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The officers of the White House and the Democrats of Senate revised the Neal proposal and supported the plan, according to the media quotes, which raised more than 120,000 million annual dollars of public deficit, increasing the national deficit.

The United States has one of the most important child welfare cases in the world, according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, in order to achieve less in terms of benefits than any other country.

An analysis by the University of Columbia about Biden’s proposal revealed that reducing the number of children in a poverty situation is up to 54%, that is, five million children. More than a million nineteen black saldrines of poverty with the plan, according to investigators.

“The mayor’s impact that we may provoke by economic justice in our radical country in a policy that reduces child poverty”, said Democratic Sen. Cory Booker.

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The Department of Treasury maintains a website for families to update their information on their declining annual increments and selectable elephants for payment.

The IRS commences to send pages on July 1 in a manner similar to how it sends the pages of the estimate, depositing the money directly into the bank accounts of the contributors. Apart from the plan, the IRS checks for the bravery of 300 dollar dollars from each minor from 6 years and from 250 per year from 6 to 17 years. It equals 3,600 and 3,000 dollars annually respectively.

The Secretary of the Treasury, Janet Yellen, during a virtual monthly discussion to discuss the Plan of Rescate Estadounidense, in the Auditorio de la Corte Sur in the complex of the Casa Blanca in Washington DC, the foursome of February 5, 2021.AP Photo / Jacquelyn Martin

The plan represents an expansion of a tributary credit for houses of 2,000 dollars and vigor currently, so extend to extended families as to make the most generous. Following Neal’s plan, the current elimination parameters of these 2,000 existing dollars will range from the same. Reducing the intake requirement for this aid reduces its value for the richest families and increases Biden’s promise not to increase taxes on families with less than $ 400,000 in annual installments.

Matt Bruenig, founder of the People’s Policy Project Project Group, advises that the benefit was announced earlier this year that some families have received money from a very small family and have had more than one family, such as matrimonial property or custody.

“Many families with cambian terminals will receive more monthly payments than their own, or they will be faced with a huge invoice of taxes due at the end of the year,” Bruenig warned.

According to Neal’s plan, the rules for immigrant children are the same as those of the existing law, which means that a minor must have a social security number in order for the family to receive the benefit, but the parents do not. Around four million tax returns were presented to individuals without a Social Security number before Republicans restricted their 2017 fiscal eligibility.

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“The President has made it a central priority of his first legislative proposal to reduce infant poverty by this year and envisages an expansion of the tributary credit for them under the State Rescue Plan, and hopes to work with members of Congress in this legislation “, communicated by a spokesman for the Casa Blanca.

Learn more about AP, The Washington Post, The New York Times and CNN.
