The curious case of the male with supernatant that destroys 99% of the coronavirus

John Hollis discovered that he was immune to the virus when he was convicted in a case involving a serious patient at Covid-19 and was not admitted. Scientists believe that their song “is a gold mine” in the air against the virus.

John Hollis is a 43-year-old state writer, who in July 2020 discovered that the virus that causes Covid-19 could not affect it, that it could not enter its cells or seal it.

Following Hollis’ comment to the BBC, he entered into his condition when the comment was made by a university doctor who had been exposed to the virus in a direct manner, when his house partner became seriously infected.

“During the seminars I hope that my illness will hurt me, but there will be no cure,” said the writer.

Ante esto, the doctor Lance Liotta, professor of the University of George Mason, and Virginia, United States, invites a participant in a study that the university realizes about the coronavirus.

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In dicho estudio, Hollis pudo enterarse de que, en efecto, contrajo la covid-19 pero, además, descubrió que su cuerpo tiene superanticuerpos que evitan que los viruses affect su system.

Doctor Liotta, in charge of the studio, expressed that Hollis’ song is “a mine of gold”, and that much will be added to the studio of different forms to attack the virus.

In the study, it was discovered that Hollis’ supernatants attack viruses of different forms and that are resistant, including, to the new variants of the virus.

The scientists hope to create and increase vacancies against Covid-19, as part of the analysis of the bloodshed of people like Hollis. Reference Photo / AFP

Liotta explains that in a normal person, the anti-human attacks form the punctual deeds of Sars-Cov-2, viruses that cause Covid-19, adhere to it and eliminate it; without embarrassment, when people first contact you with the virus, you will be late to form and can aggravate the process.

But in Hollis’ case, there is no such thing as his superpowers, which, according to Dr. Liotta, can kill 99% of the virus, even if it were diluted one mile.

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The scientists, for their part, are studying various patients like Hollis with the experience of creating and improving vacancies that are much more effective with illness.

“If he is not the only person who has anticipated this type, he is only one of the few people to whom he has discovered,” concludes Hollis.
