The curious answer that Google Home gave it to Lina Tejeiro when she asked for a new one

Instagram @linatejeiro
Instagram @linatejeiro

With technological advances he has learned that now houses are intelligent and can be managed from the comfort of their cellular with voice commands, in addition, some hermines also have ‘spicy’ answers to their users. This is the step to Lina Tejeiro when the foot is on its new companion in the case of the calendar.

Colombian actress Lina Tejeiro has been living for some time now in her own mansion, a house that sells fruit from her work and where she lives next to her mascots. With emotion, the female villain of Villavicencio shared every step of the way from the moment he understood that he was going to live forever.

Since the actress announced the construction of her own house detail that she wants to be intelligent, es decir, que iba a contar con térnolognas tecnológicas que permiten que ella la maneje con su cellular o con su voz. This week, Tejeiro will show you how to make the ultimate adjustments to your Google Home connection and therefore log in to a fully intelligent home.

Ahora, Tejeiro can take and retrieve the loopholes of his cases from his cellular or pidiendoselo to Google Home, as well as manage other cases of his mansion like the Persians and the chimenea. Without embarrassment, the herramienta does not hesitate to realize anything that the user sees is clear and so it is clear to Tejeiro on two occasions.

First of all, Lina Tejeiro told Google that she would get a new one, to receive the next one, “I am not a class of service”, among other things, the actress assured that “entonces does not serve anything”. The commentary generated by Colombian followers follows that it has been around for a long time and is desperate to take a new step.

Minutes later, the actress subtracts another story in what she says, “Ok Google, nickname”. La herramienta hizo lo que pudo y increase the house chimney, after deciding to Tejeiro that lamentaba could not help with his “verano”.


Hase algunas semanas, Lina Tejeiro slammed her followers with her talent for pole dancing, a baile who had to practice hake poco, but in that it moves as an expert. Recently the actress revealed that she was realizing this bail because is preparing for a new character called Carolina, la cual es una mujer muy sensuel y bailarina de tubo.

This Wednesday, the surprise surprise with one of the new videos creating a choreography in the tube, in addition to resalting the Colombian escorts body, removes the red tape tracks that are used throughout the video.

Lina Tejeiro surprises with new pole dance choreography

Además, Tejeiro activates the option of questions and answers to answer some questions about his new paper and the pole dance to his followers. The first questions hicieron refer to the practice of this lease, with respect to the most difficult of this signal that it is “do not lose the sense of mind you are thinking in the movement that follows, comments ”.

Lina Tejeiro reveals that Carolina is a character who would like to interpret this ending of the week and, in addition, differs from what many think, in this case it is not a novel, the actress will be working on a movie según lo confirmed in its histories. “This Saturday marks the beginning of a new character that he has been holding for quite some time to prepare for the previous project on February 4 and a tuve that will carry beds and pole classes for this character,” he said.


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