The crosses at the top of the front cascade alcanzan the higher levels in 20 years

By Rebecca Shabad- NBC News

The Secretary of National Security, Alejandro Mayorkas, said on Tuesday that the United States had announced the mayor’s number of detainees on the front lines with Mexico in two decades.

“We are about to meet more individuals on the upper front than in the last 20 years. We are pushing for the majority of the older adults and the families. We are pushing for the unaccompanied nines”, said Mayorkas in a statement in which aboard what is described as a “difficult” situation on the front.

“Our objective is a secure, legal and orderly immigration system based on our fundamental priorities: maintaining our secure front lines, addressing the difficult situation of the nines as demanding the rights and permitting families to be together”, assured.

[Crece el número de menores bajo custodia de la Patrulla Fronteriza. Muchos denuncian las condiciones de su encierro]

Mayorkas explained that the majority of detainees on the front lines are adult adults, and that “they are currently being prosecuted by the Authorities at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to manage the public health crisis of the COVID pandemic” -19 “.

The adult solitary confinement of Mexico and the lands of the Northern Triangle (El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras) “expelled expeditiously to Mexico”, affirmed Mayorca. By the same token, the families detained on the frontier in Mexico or other countries are being evicted in Mexico unless these countries “do not have the capacity to receive the families”.

“Mexico’s limited capacity has been able to test our resources, including in the Greater Texas Valley Zone. As Mexico’s capacity increases, we are processing families and settlements in immigration procedures here in the United States” .

Mayorkas ensures that the United States has many niches on the upper front each day that are not accompanied by a father or a legal tutor. Part of the problem, is that the Department of Health does not have the capacity to admit the actual number of nines that are found.

Republicans have been embarrassed by the recent administration of creating a “crisis” on the front lines, and have denounced that Biden’s more lax immigration policies have encouraged people to take cruises to the United States illegally.

[Esta inmigrante lleva años esperando una visa U con miedo a represalias tras testificar contra los hombres que mataron a su novio]

Pero Mayorkas blamed for this increase on the front to poverty, the high levels of violence and corruption in Mexico and the lands of the Northern Triangle. I also attribute these high figures to the past of the Donald Trump Administration that “completely dismantled the asylum system”.

“The system would be dismantled, installations would have to be carried out and expulsion would be carried out sharply on small roads and traffic jams,” said Mayorkas, adding that the Biden Administration had to rebuild the system.

Mayorkas says the United States is building new facilities to increase its capacity, working with Mexico to accommodate expelled families and develop a more formal refugee program.

Central American migrants permanently near the International Frontier Front Paso del Norte after being deported from the United States, in Ciudad Juárez, Mexico, on March 11, 2021.REUTERS / Jose Luis González

“We are creating joint processing centers so that the nines can be taken care of by the HHS immediately after the Patrol Fronteriza finds them,” he assured.

“We are also identifying and equipping additional installations so that the HHS can accommodate the nines without companions until they have the colloquium with a family or patrons. These are the shortcuts to the place to make fronts to the nines
