The covid originates in a grain of animals in the south of China

Beijing, China.

El coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 is originally likely and una exotic animal grain in the sur de China, says Peter Daszak, President of the EcoHealth Alliance, one of the members of the World Health Organization (OMS) delegation that researched the origins of thea pandemic off China a comienzos del año.

In an interview broadcast this March by the state radio NPR, Daszak made sure that the team of OMS investigators sent to China, between them or the same, find new test of what saljas de animales salvajes estaban abasteciendo al Huanan Market off Wuhan (Hubei Province).

Según Daszak, the quick reaction of Gobierno chino to close their granjas is a show of which the most likely via coronavirus transmission fue de murciélagos an algae type of animal salvaje criado off cautividad en el sur de china y de ahí a humanos.

The investigator says that he and other experts of the team OMS visiting China a comenzos de año creen que el murciélago which incubates the first coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 provenance of the meridian province of Yunnan o de la vecina Burmania.

“I believe that the SARS-CoV-2 primer contagious people in the sur de China. Appear que fue así “, signals this expert who bases his slotsom also in which the Chinese government decides to close the important sector of thes grenades explosions de Exotic animals in the province of Yunnan.

“Esas granjas”, argument Daszak, “toman Exotic animals as the ginetas, the puercoespines, the pangolines, the mapaches or the ratas del bambú to be reproduced in cautividad “y han sido cerradas por orden del Gobierno chino.

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“China closed in Februaryand 2020 blensaba that is the most likely live (of the contagio in Wuhan, was detected by first time the new nursed). In the information of the OMS, we also believe that la vía más probability “, adelantó Daszak.

The OMS will provide information on weekly seminars with some of the conclusions taken by the team of experts what is place in Wuhan blara researcher and origin de la pandemia de la covid19.

This expert, who works in the investigation of the SAR virus originsS, signal that now the key will determine which animal hizo of bridge between the murciélagoare the human beings and what they are, of the many who are promoted in the China to be sacred to the rural population of the‘n pobreza, eis the origin of the pandemic that killed more than 2.6 million people. EFE
