The covid-19 variegated variant is about to become dominant in EE.UU.

(CNN) – According to experts, some stadiums are relatively fast-moving, at a critical moment in that the alleged perpetrators are announcing the progress that the United States has made in its battle against Covid-19.

In less than a dozen state leaflets, he has lifted the covid-19 restrictions this month, citing the majority of cases and the increase in vacancy rates. At the same time, the airways are already recording records in the pandemic era and the first crowd of first-time vacationers have started to fly to Florida and other sun-drenched regions, while the cases of a variegated van variety.

The Transport Security Administration (TSA) says it has registered more than 1.3 million people at the Domingo airport, which means there are around 5.2 million passengers traveling from the jewels. This is the highest number of people he has traveled to during any other four-day period during the pandemic.

In Florida, the first vacations in commenced to accommodate the costs and some employees of Miami Beach informed about crowd in precautionary measures of control.

It’s a combination of all of these factors, including the functionaries, that could base the bases on another pico.

“We have seen images of people enjoying the festivities of the first vacations, without masks,” said the director of the Centers for Control and Prevention of Children (CDC), the Dra. Rochelle Walensky. “Everything is in the context of 50,000 cases per day.”

Entonces, is it inevitable otro aumento repentino?

“We’ve got to get some directions,” says CNN’s Emergency Doctor Leana Wen on Monday. “That now actually depends on us and if we are masking and avoiding the meetings in interiors as we need to have the moment when we are vacant.”

LEE: The cases of covid-19 in EE.UU. se han aplanado. Here is why you can predict another increase, according to an expert

A variant of the pink rose dominates soon

The security measures will be especially critical now that multiple variants of the virus are circulating, including the highly contagious variant B.1.1.7 which was first identified in the United Kingdom.

It is projected to be convincing in the dominant variant in EE.UU. in the finals of this month’s principles of april, dijo Walensky el lunes.

Until now, he has found cases of variant B.1.1.7 in 48 states, Puerto Rico and Washington, following dates from the CDC.

“The form in which the variants are propagated is by the guard,” CNN said on Monday. Richard Besser, internship director of the CDC. “We do not use masks, we do not distance ourselves socially. If we can provide one more month, there will be enough vacancies for each adult in United States vacancy ».

“Enthusiasts really can take some of the most important restrictions. But if we make such rapid progress, we will see an increase in cases, we will see a retreat that is uncommon in many European countries and does not have the result here in the United States, “he said.

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A study published last week suggests that the variant is associated with an estimated risk of 64% mayor to die by covid-19.

And another study revised by couples referred to the variant as a mayor’s death certificate, following an article accepted by the magazine Nature. This time, the mortality rate for the variant is estimated to be as high as 55%, but the previous figures were able to be adjusted by a series of factors such as age, sex and location and when the tests were carried out.

A posterior study in the study that shows the results of the missing and potentially categorized tests incorrectly found that the general death toll could rise to some mayor, as much as 61% more than the previous ones.

The study did not study the vacancy or could demonstrate why the variant could be more deadly than the previous ones.

The record number of vacancies diary alcanzo levels record

Advance clinical trials with less than 16 years of age 28:31

But there are good news: the vacancies are rising and the experts are hoping that the stadiums will have a normal appearance for the year.

The data updated by the CDC on Monday shows that the country has set up a seat of approximately 2.4 million dosing days of covid-19 vacancies applied for today, a new record.

This is where more states are expanding their eligibility requirements for vacancies.

In Mississippi, the governor, Tate Reeves, announced on Monday that the state of the city will be open to all May 16 residents from March.

The Pfizer covid-19 vacancy is the only one available for use by 16-year-olds, while the Modern and Johnson & Johnson vacancies are restricted to 18-year-olds.

“As a matter of fact, the new quotes are open to all Mississippi residents. Friends, receive your injection and return to normal! », writing of Twitter.

And Virginia Occidental, the governor, Jim Justice, strengthens the list of medical afecciones that previously existed, because hacen that residents are eligible to receive a vacancy.

“We are in the descent tray industry to be able to make our lives look normal, and this is what we want more than anything,” said Justice.

Hasta now, more than 71 million stadiums has received at least one dose of covid-19 vaccine, according to CDC data. More than 38 million people are fully evacuated, approximately 11.5% of the EE.UU population.

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The Mayor of Estadounidenses is receiving its second dose in time

In addition, the majority of persons who received a first dose of the covid-19 vaccine received their second dose at the time, according to the first dates of the CDC.

However, CDC investigators have advised that the initials groups to receive the vaccine (health workers and residents of the large plaza care center) have easy access to a second dose of work at their residence or residence.

“While the priority groups are amplified, adherence to the recommended dose range may decrease,” he wrote in the news release.

For Pfizer and Modern vacancies, it is recommended that the second dose be applied to 21 and 28 days, respectively, according to the investigators signaling that they have allowed up to 42 days between doses, if necessary.

The information includes data on more than 37 million people who will receive at least their first injection between December 14th and February 14th.

While the recipient received both doses, investigators found that 95.6% received their second dose within the recommended time interval.

Please note that climatic events will be subject to distribution challenges and quotations canceled during the study period and will require further investigation to complete the second dose period during a longer period.

“The continuous monitoring of the state of finalization of the series in all the jurisdictions and by demographic characteristics is important to guarantee the equidistance in the application of the vacancy and the coverage of vacancy, especially in the midst of the support” .

Michael Nedelman, LaCrisha McAllister, Gregory Lemos, Deidre McPhillips, Pete Muntean and Jacqueline Howard de CNN all contribute important information.
