The country receives a collection of 1 million 50 mil vacancies to strengthen the fight against pandemics

Las Américas International Airport, RD.

The Dominican Republic is receiving a charge of 1 million 50 mil doses of anti-COVID-19 vaccines, proceedings by the People’s Republic of China.

The letter was received by the Vice President and Coordinator of the Gabinete de Salud, Raquel Peña, in the company of employees of the sector in the country.

One million of these vehicles were contracted to the Sinovac Asian company; while the remaining 50 miles represent a donation from the Governor of the Popular Republic of China, producer of China National Biotech Group (CNBG), a subsidiary of the state Sinopharm.

There were also 51,200 jeringuillas donated.

“Gabinete de Salud, verklaar die solo 25,000 de est vacunas seran empleadas com primir dosage y almacenaran el 50% remaining, para 28 días despuid can be used as second dose and with it guarantee that both inoculations are from the same farm signals a communication from the Presidency of the Republic, referring to the vacancies donated.

The law is pending the creation of a Pekín charter procedure, on the 5th of the high tide, to make a technical parade in the city of Chicago, United States, where combustible abatement to follow its dominant tiered tree .

“This lot of vacancies against the COVID-19, the most important that we have received at the moment, will be cashed in its entirety until March 24, proceeding with the application of the second dose to the citizens he received the first inoculation against the coronavirus “, said Vice President Raquel Peña, quoted by a press release.

With “Vacuum RD” he inoculated up to the moment around 700 miles of people and has planned to continue advancing with the teaching and sanitary staff, both in first dose as in seconds.

El Gobierno says that “he did not spend time in the bush to complete the vacancy target of 7.8 million Dominicans in the short term of a possible time, due to the fact that there are regular conversations with various States and pharmacists who can sigan llegando más vacunas, y así poder seguir vacunando ”.
