The corpse of an apprentice medical student at a construction site in Bucaramanga

She is Paula Andrea Martínez, a student of the last semester of medicine who was launching a piece 20 in Bucaramanga.  Photo: Redes
She is Paula Andrea Martínez, a student of the last semester of medicine who was launching a piece 20 in Bucaramanga. Photo: Redes

It passed February 22nd and after two days of searching, found in a work under construction the corpse of Paula Andrea Martínez Rojas, a 24-year-old girl who was discharged as a medical student at the Bucaramanga University of Autonomy.

On Sunday 21st of March, Martínez was able to complete a turn at Santander University Hospital, north of the city, as part of the internship that began on December 1, 2020. At the assistance center, the youth center he works in the pediatric surgery area and is preparing to take part in his internship at the University of Antioquia.

Joven salió is looking for transport to take care of the supuesta responsibility for the cual, according to El Tiempo, never registered with the turn y, of agreement with Caracol Radio, the woman not having to work the domingo of her disappearance. Ante esto, his family initiates the search for Paola Andrea with the help of social media.

In agreement with the radial media, having heard that his disappearance, he would like to work on a structure constructed in the square 28 with call 66 of the capital of Santander will find a body without life – with uniform of worker of health- tendido in the sun. In the meantime, the officials of the work will communicate with the authorities.

Agreed with the medium Extra Bucaramanga, the first version dates to Martínez’s launch of the 20th floor of the construction in a suicidal act, without embarrassment, but no other hypothesis about the mysterious case has been discussed. Agreeing with the portal, there are no known reasons why llevarían should be able to withdraw the money and, at the end, consider a possible asset of the person who escapes the vacancy and escape.

Javier Martín, Commander of the Metropolitan Police, estimates that he was taken to a nearby road. “We lament deeply this situation, we are awaiting the investigation, but now that the hypothesis that suicide is possible. What we say in preliminary indictment, is that we will only go to the edification “, expressed the uniform, in agreement with Emergencies Urban Bucaramanga on Facebook. The Tax Investigation Technical Team carried out the rescue of the body and knew that the authorities had recovered information from security cameras to determine the cause of the woman’s death.

At the university, the UNAB, results in the student and expresses his or her commitment to the part of the woman of 24 years. “Martínez Rojas maintains an excellent general accumulation accumulated in his academic performance, has been admitted to do the other part of his internship at the University of Antioquia, at the Faculty of Medicine, a high merit in his time as a few dicha institution “, Expressed by the Rector, Juan Camilo Montoya Bozzi, in a communication.

The document also shows that Paola Andrea was a responsible person, dedicated to her studio, cordial and respectful. “Always have a car seat and a word of mouth for the ladies”, express the allegations, consulted by the institution.


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