The coronavirus variant of the United Kingdom “dominant reverse power” in the United States, Dice Fauci

(CNN) – The variant of covid-19 identified by the first time in the United Kingdom is extending to United States and could be converted to dominant in the medium that the country competes to administer vacancies, the Jews the Dr. Anthony Fauci.

“It seems very efficient to contact people in person,” said the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infected Diseases to Chris Cuomo of CNN. Fauci agrees that recent studies show that it can be more deadly and cause more serious injuries.

Of the more than 26.6 million coronavirus cases registered in the United States, according to Johns Hopkins University, it now has at least 618 cases in 33 states, including the Centers for Control and the Prevention of Unified States of America (CDC, by its English flags).

The appearance of these variants of the virus, detected earlier in the United Kingdom (B.1,1.7), South Africa (B.1,351) and Brazil (P.1), respectively, could mean another increase in cases, according to Dr Michael Osterholm, Director of the Centro de Investigación en Política de Enfermedades Infecciosas de la Universidad de Minnesota.

Covid-19: has more than 4,000 variants worldwide, according to United Kingdom 0:56

The United Kingdom variant is on the verge of converting to dominant at critical points like Florida and the California “in a few weeks”, following an attempt by Helix to try to identify the mayor’s proportion of cases in States United.

The only way to avoid the prevailing vuelvan variants is to avoid person-to-person follow-up to public health meetings and vacancies to the mayor’s most likely person, Dijo Fauci.

Fauci kept the jueves in the hope that the dates respalden the vacancies against the coronavirus for major nines and fines of the primavera or principles of verano.

And the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA, by its seal in English) tells the players to use the process to update the flu vaccines as a plan to authorize any changes in the coronavirus vaccines to abort of new variants.

«We have the possibility and the ability to avoid dealing with [las variantes] se vuelvan dominantes », dijo Fauci.

The new Spanish vacancies will clear the load if approved

How will you prepare to receive the covid-19 vaccine? 1:19

Rapidization with the propagation of the variants in front of the velocity of the vacancies will be a key factor in the death toll from coronavirus in the next months, following the latest prognostic of the Institute of Metrics and Evaluation of Health at the University of Washington .

Depending on the balance, there were 190,000 more deaths between February and June 1, with a total death toll of 455,733 as of 630,000 more per year.

New vaccines against coronavirus aggregated in the podrian market will help accelerate the inoculation process.

The Novavax biotechnology company announces that the “continuous revision” process for the authorization of its covid-19 vehicle is underway in various countries.

The manufacturer of vacancies has announced that it has started the process with various regulatory agencies, including the FDA of the United States, the European Medicines Agency, the Regulatory Agency for Medicines and Sanitary Products of the United Kingdom and Health Canada. Continuous review means that the company will send some completed sections of its authorization in order to hope that it will finalize the application.

Y Johnson & Johnson has the official record of the FDA, el jueves, una authorization de emergencia de su vacuna contra el covid-19.

The company has been developing a vaccine of a sole injection that could help reduce “the burden of harm to all people in the world and end the pandemic”, said Dr. Paul Stoffels, Johnson & Johnson Scientific Director, in a communication.

The FDA will program a public meeting and, if the agency decides to authorize the vaccine, the CDC’s Practicing Practices Committee will meet to discuss whether the vaccine should be administered to patients and, if so, who should receive it first.

The impulse to vacate the masters and regress to present classes

The reason why there is no need to hope for vacancies 1:49

While some students have been doing this for a year now, the last time they went to school, the staff had been anxious to see an apprenticeship in person.

The director of the CDC, Rochelle Walensky, said that with the physical distance, the use of mascarillas and adequate tests, the schools can renew their manner of attendance including those whose masters are vacant. Many states are given priority over the vacancy of masters.

As of now, 24 states in Washington are allowing some masters or school staff to receive the vacancy.

In Occidental Virginia, all the 50-year-old mayors who will be in charge of the vacancy and the receiver, according to Governor Jim Justice. In Ohio, Gov. Mike DeWine has a plan for all masters to be vacated at the end of February, with the goal of getting all students to attend the auditions on March 1st.

Alabama and Colorado will include masters between those who can be vacated starting February 8th.

Due to the availability of toadavía plant a problem in many states, the officials were concerned that his dose assignment did not satisfy the demand.

In some cities, such as Chicago and Minneapolis, officials are in disarray with teachers ‘and teachers’ unions, and their impulse to meet with a preoccupation with staff safety, students and families. In some cases, the tensions are converted into demands and arrangements of huelga.

Fauci promotes doses of vacancies for those who are pre-infected

Separately, Fauci dijo el jueves que incluso aquellos que ya han tenido covid-19 deberían vacunarse.

«If you have covid-19, you need to vacate. If the reinfection is at least 90 days after the initial infection, the vaccination can return until the end of this period of 90 days, if the disease. Peru la vacunación sigue siendo segura despu de te has recuperado de covid-19 », dijo en un tuit.

Fauci conducted a study on weekly principles that suggested that people who were pre-infected with coronavirus could only need one vaccine against covid-19.

The authors of this pre-study, which has not been revised by par, argue that the policy for giving people only one dose “avoids unnecessary pain and frees many doses of vacancies that are necessary in an emergency”.

An infection can be prevented from initiating the evacuation, according to Fauci, but it has no sufficient evidence to demonstrate that it is sufficient to compare the dose to the Mayor of the persons.

“People who must covid-19 deberían follow the actual guide of @FDA”, said.

– Michael Nedelman, Maggie Fox, Andrea Diaz, Jacqueline Howard, Yon Pomrenze, Evan Simko-Bednarski, Elizabeth Stuart and Naomi Thomas de CNN contribute important information.
