The coro to the police during the celebrations of the victory of Granma in the pelota

| 06/04/2021 – 16:10 (GMT-4)

A video of the celebrations of Cubans in Bayamo by the victory of Granma in the 60 National Béisbol Series, the chorus of “eye, police, pi ***”, is rooted as the powder in social speeches.

A step and rhythm of conga, mounts of people salieron a las calles a celebrate the triumph of Los Alazanes, with a pegajoso coro that has gone viral by the unusual of these expressions of massive form in the Cuban calls.

“My child is a child in a candle, who is a person of the child in the pool”, is to listen to one of the people who filmed the success.

Although there was a prophecy against the police, many Cubans saw him as a showman of valor and as an hopeful that the people could unite and let the callers complain that they were respected.

The special cobra means in the middle of the end of the week market for the representation in Cuba, mainly in Santiago de Cuba, where there are mantles in the hammock and there are delicate members of the Union of Patriotic Cuba, and in La Habana, where San Isidro vecinos impidieron that the police arrest Maykel “Osorbo” Castillo and lie cantaron live on the theme Patria and Vida in full.

The celebrations of the deportation victory in Granma were marked by the downturn in the time when the governing body was more drastic and restrictive in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. Lots of people salaried at the calls, chanting and vitorearon – some without mascara – and gathered to pass the bus with the crew.

Granma is the province with the most cases of COVID-19 reported after La Habana in the last parts.

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