The controversy over Donald Trump published during his term – People – Culture

This 20th of December, Donald Trump is leaving the White House with the promise of “some mode” theft. During its 4 years of presidential mandate, the state magnate has been the protagonist of many controversial journals that have plagued the world.

These are some of the most recorded:

(Lea también: Con memes verag ‘n Donald Trump de la presidencia de EE. UU.).

1. ‘The new European’

Through the hechos hurricane the past 6 years, when hundreds of followers of the former president invaded with violence in the Capitol of Washington, the magazine ‘The New European’ produced a post with the title “Democracy” and with the word of the magnate disgraced as Jake Angeli.

This last man was the man identified with the theory of the plot of the Capitol.

Angeli eruption in the edition with a particular pin: the slender torso, covered with animal skins, one corner in its head and the United States flag painted on it. The conspirator was arrested on bail and charged with various offenses related to the attack.

Trump was illustrated by the review with the same attitude of the perpetrator. It is believed that the disturbances, which caused five deaths and multiple deaths, were carried out weeks ago by the magnate, who allegedly insisted on the existence of fraud in the November presidential elections that led to the triumph of Joe Biden.

“What next for America and the world?” (What do you look for in the United States and the world?), Write the review refiriéndose a the rupture of estadounidense democracy will continue after the lamentable event.

(Le recomendamos leer: Publican video unédito de la toma del Capitolio de Estados Unidos).

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The release of the magazine ‘The New European’ in the year 2020.

2. ‘The New Yorker’

In March 2020, the magazine ‘The New Yorker’ hizo a critical critique of the maneuver that Donald Trump stabbed during the maneuver of the covid-19 pandemic in the United States.

For these epochs the magnate refused to decree quarantine obligatory in the United States to face him with a large number of infected.

One of the critics of the mayors who hizo al entonces presidente fue que prioritize the economy of the country over the life of the citizens, underestimate the virus and delay in taking action to avoid the propagation of it.

The most portrayal of satirical critics, illustrating a Trump sold by a tapabocas and grit, alluding to the fact that the ex-president was not paying attention to reality.

Hasta is 19 years old, when his last full term as mandatorio, the death toll for the covid-19 team surpasses the 400 mil. For its part, the registered contagios up to the age of 23 million.

(You may be interested in: What did Donald Trump say during Joe Biden’s trial?).

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The cover of ‘The New Yorker’ in March 2020.

3. ‘Time’ (2018)

July 2, 2018 The magazine ‘Time’ published a critical review of the migration situation on the frontier of Mexico with the United States.

It appears to have a beautiful front to Donald Trump, which has been around since the beginning. The illustration is accompanied by the phrase “Welcome to America”.

Pequeña converts to the symbol of debate on Donald Trump’s immigration media. One of the most cruel was that between 2017 and 2018 led to the separation of one 5,000 minor children from their mothers and mothers.

Currently, haoi unos 600 niños y niñas que stán bajo custodia del Gobierno and Joe Biden are looking for their new immigration project to meet their relatives.

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Portada of the magazine ‘Time’ in July 2018.

4. ‘Time’ (March 2017)

In 2017, the magazine ‘Time’ produced another critical critique of the mandated entities in its March issue of this year.

With the title “Trump’s War on Washington” (The Trump War in Washington), the media illustrates a distracting Trump and gigantic dimensions supporting the white monument to the Washington Monument, which is being resurrected, imperturbable, continuous in its cellular tuiteando.

The critique points to the manner in which the magnate makes the politicians, the qualses on many occasions comenzaban with a trino. Similarly, however, it appears that the only thing that the importer will do is on Twitter, in view of the reality of the country.

Some paradoxical evidence that the 9th of January passed Twitter will permanently close Trump’s account, making it clear that it is violating multiple violations of its standards of conduct. About everything through the Washington Capitol plot protagonized by its followers the 6th of January.

(Also: The caricatures with Jim Carrey criticizing Donald Trump).

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Portada of the magazine ‘Time’ in March 2017.

5. ‘Time’ (February 2017)

In another edition of the seminar seminar, entitled “Nothing to be here”, is illustrated to Trump in the middle of a torment. I’m allusive to the chaos of my first goberno knife.

“In the first months of his presidency, the New York multimillionaire has testified to the Sansón lesson: the temple can be painted if it is intended from the interior”, says the main article of the review.

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Portada of the magazine ‘Time’ in February 2017.

6. ‘The Mirror’

In February 2017, the German seminary ‘Der Spiegel’ was shown in the presence of the President of the United States decapitated by the Statute of Liberty, one of the most representative symbols of this country.

With the title “America first” (First America), the illustration illustrated by the grating giant, while holding a cuffed sleeve of song in one hand and the cape of the Statue of Liberty in the other.

This critique refers to Donald Trump’s aisle politics, which in many cases pushes on its nation deteriorating bilateral relations with other countries of the international sphere.

The ex president is characterized by always prioritizing the interests of the United States, without embarrassment, it affects the position and influence of the potential in the global table

In this opportunity the port follows a series of attacks launched by Trump and his aides against Gobierno’s policies, which have generated a rapid turnaround in relations between countries.

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Portada of the magazine ‘Der Spiegel’ in February 2017

7. ‘The Economist’

In February 2017, the magazine ‘The Economist’ launched a post on what illustra al magnate, usando un traje negro y su famosa gorra roja con la phrase “Make America great again”, ‘n punto de lanzar una boma mólotov.

The proclamation, titled “An Insurgent in the White House,” is a satire on the chaos that surrounds Trump’s new policies for these entrees.

His position as president on January 20, 2017, was marked by various controversial allegations that he had during his campaign. It is a time of great change and great change, both for the nation and for the world.

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Portada of the magazine ‘The Economist’ in February 2017.

(Siga leyendo: ¿In what consisted of the project on immigration that presented Biden?).

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