The contagios in the mayors residences caen 95% in a month a rais de la vacunación | Sociedad

The contagios in the mayors’ residences were graduated in one month. The positives have decreased by 95% between the 24th of January and the 21st of February, according to the dates published by the Government this March and confirming that the effect of the vacancy is noted in these centers. From January 18 to 24, 4,439 positives were registered, up from 215 of February 15 to 21. In full force of the third party in Spain will start administering the second dose in the residences, 21 days after starting the evacuation campaign, in the finals of December. Siete días then started to record the effect of the immunization. The caida of the contagios, in which confluence the evacuation and that this third is remit, from hope to these centers, during golpeados during the pandemic.

In the same cases, we also reduce the contagios in the joint of the country. It will be reduced by 78% between the third week of January and the third of February, following the dates of Health, an inferior reduction to the number of registered residents. During this period, too, the incidence increased in Spain. On January 25, the country recorded a record incidence of 884.70 cases per 100,000 residents in the previous two weeks. February 22 was 252.19 cases.

It is the first time that there are known national level of contagions in these centers. It is now known that at least 86,219 mayors have been involved in more than 5,400 residences in Spain. Of these, approximately 68,745 are in line with 2020. Although the information, figures from the autonomous communities recovered and systematized by the Ministries of Social Rights, Health and Science, advised that the infranation of cases is very important during the three months of the pandemic. As of June 22nd, there are 31,816 contagios, but there are still failing tests and many mayors will be able to see if they are accounted for in the records. The document also warns that there are information restrictions on its autonomy, between Catalonia, Madrid and Castile-La Mancha, three of the communes with mayor affection in these centers during the pandemic.

The cases involving a plethora of residences are appreciated in the unique information relating to centralized residences recently, which is supported by the Center for Coordination of Alerts and Emergency Sanitation in four cases, regarding the number of cases diagnosed in 22 cases 142 new offenses were reported in social centers (which also include disabled people, only geriatric), a figure of 42 in the past week, a 70% reduction. Although the protection media, as well as the safety distance, are maintained in the centers, the descent has started, by the end.

The figures published this March by the Gobierno mosque also include a strong case of the deaths in ancient residences in the last weeks. The fallout curve will always return with respect to the contagios, but it will also show a large descent from the 673 deces per covid in senior residents of the week of the 18th of January or the 719 of the 25th the week of February 15th.

Another date for the hope is that there will be a variety of communities that do not have a single contact with geriatricians during the last week registered, the 15th of February. It also varies the communities that do not register any deaths.

Although it has been producing since the moment when it comes to completing the immunization of the old residents, it is ready to take action. Faltan dates to know which part of the major is due to the evacuation, which part other restrictions and which part of the remission of the third of the pandemic.

The impact of covid in the residences has been very high: centers are being moved to convince the most vulnerable people to the virus, the major mayor of 80 years and with multiple pathologies. In the information published this March, the official digit of the number of failures in geriatricians: 29,408 is added first, with a confirmation confirmed or with compatible taxes.

The figures are a clear reflection of the evolution of the situation in the centers. As of March 22, 19,835 people had died, and 9,859 in those cases when a diagnostic test was performed, failing with a compatible computer with the covid. The approximately 20,000 deaths in this period duplicate the 9,573 notifications from June 23 to February 21. As of this year, 17,474 mayors living in residences have been infected with the virus. De ellos, 3,268 han fallecido; practically one of each five.
