The condensa of a rapper, cabeza dollar for the Spanish governor

The case of a rapper condensed into prisons by all those who attack the monarchy and the Spanish police forces and which is not to be entrenched in generating these dollars worth of money on the governing body of socialist Pedro Sanchez

At the point of expiration in the night of the fires the place that the day of justice to present voluntarily to initiate his pen, the Catalan artist Pablo Hasel confirmed that he is not getting involved.

“Tendrán que venir ellos a secuestrarme, y también servir para que el Estado quede retratado com lo que es: una falsa democracia”, dijo desafiante Hasel, en una terviste telephony con AFP, desde su vivienda en Lérida, en Cataluña (noreste).

– Gobierno a la defensiva –

The controversy stalled in its condensing measures by a terrorism enforcement offense on its posts published between 2014 and 2016, in what it calls “for example murder mercenaries” and the police forces and those accused of killing and protesting and immigrants.

The rapper asserts that the authorities will not allow the “dictates what can be decreed”.

The case has been converted into a cube of money for the government of Izquierda and, above all, for its majority society, the Socialist Party, at the hands of the regional elections of the domino in Catalonia.

Various performances in support of Hasel took place during the last week in Madrid and Barcelona, ​​while 200 artists, including stars of Spanish cinema such as Pedro Almodóvar and Javier Bardem, and the music, such as Joan Manuel Serrat, performed a manifesto a su guns.

The written statement “which expels the Penal Code is a type of delicto that no one can take for granted, no freedom of expression, no ideological and artistic freedom”.

The minority society of the socialists in the government, the radical Izquierda of Podemos, has stated in its opposition to the condena against the rapper.

On the defensive, the governess promotes the moons, after conceiving the manifesto, which plants “a revision of the relations committed with excesses in the ownership of the freedom of expression”, with the aim of imposing penances “disuasorias” y no de carcel.

The governor’s spokesman, María Jesús Montero, reconciles March, which has no “proportionality” in the situation in Hasel.

– “Tribunal político” –

But the reform promises to take its time and can not be applied in the case of the rapper.

His lawyer, Diego Herchhoren, filed a lawsuit before the National Audit Office, a major jurisdiction in Madrid that covers complex issues.

Pero Herchhoren pointed out to AFP that in principle this appeal is not suspensive, because the process of encapsulating his client is ‘a priori’.

According to the National Audit Office of the “Political Tribunal”, the letter estimated that only the Spanish government should avoid entering prison.

Interrogated by the AFP regarding the impending expiration of the case to be presented, a source of the tribunal declined to comment.

“No tenemos nada que decir”, dijo de su lado una fuente del Ministerio de Justicia.

Hasel’s lawyer says that the future will lead to the Spanish governor’s position against the “real” penalty or “it is simply an electoral announcement”.

In this case, the Valtonyc Balearic rapper, who will be marching to Belgium in 2018, is due to enter prison to complete a condolence lawsuit against Rey, allegations of terrorism and acts in his songs.

Belgium has announced the extradition requested by Spain at the moment.

In the Catalan elections of Domingo, the Socialists of Sanchez will be able to replace him with the power of the Independents who govern the rich region of 7.8 million inhabitants, thirteen years and in the middle of a tentative death that will kill herods in the region and follow up on national politics.
