The comedy schedule, key to a healthy diet

According to data that maneja, the Spanish pharmacy online market leader, the vast majority of Spaniards (8 out of 10) will ensure a good diet. Without embarrassment, the reality is that only 4 out of 10 comen verduras and hortalizas todos los días and only the 60% fruit.

In addition, during the confinement, it is difficult for many Spaniards to maintain their habitual diet. My hopes, it is possible that we have not recovered any good food, regarding everything in relation to the schedules. But when it comes down to it, it’s just as important as it gets.

DosFarma’s experts explain why it’s important to pay attention to committee schedules and at a time when we are dedicating each one, even though some advice on how to make healthy eating habits:

Make five comedas al día

To organize the diary menu, have to keep in mind that not many times will pass between each committee. For that, between the decision and the committee hay that includes a tenth leaf in the media (dried fruits, whole grains with a yogurt, a coffee with a tomato and ace toast …). The same thing happens between the committee and the price, but it does include the merit. Thank you to these extra comrades, more ligars, if you need the necessary energy input for the whole day.

Además, make five comedas help to balance the hambre to the length of the day. If only we were three, we would play with much more appetite in each one, which we can do more than we need. However, only the number of women has 4 diaries or more, and only 4 out of 10 men.

Establish fast schedules

The teletrabajo or the confinement he affected much to the routine of the Spaniards, and by supuesto also in his comedy hours. Without embargo, keep track of your hours to help synchronize your entire body.

The body has a master clock in the room that controls all the activities (hormone production, for example), but also has other clocks in each organ that depend on the master clock. La luz y la oscuridad ayudan ‘n gereelde el reloj maestro, pero también lo hace la alimentación. If the times of the committees are always changing, it will be very difficult to see that the brain and the distinct organs are synchronously correct.

This disincarnation suelen sufrir the people who have rotating turns or those who have long flights and change of schedules. If the body receives the food at a time when it is not habitable, it can assimilate the nutrients equally. At the same time, the unjustified ones can deal with problems like diabetes, obesity or insomnia.

Desayunar temprano

The first day of the day marks the hour of our body. It’s important to read more or less time to sync all our watches. Well, at least I didn’t go down without explaining myself first. If you want melatonin, the hormone that provokes us at night, maybe a little. Between 7:00 and 8:00 is a magnificent moment.

La cena, también tempera

When the night is over, the hormones are loaded to digest the sugars and the reduced carbohydrates. As such, carbonated hydrates are better metabolized if they are antiseptic. Además, even more temperate the tomemos, more time tend the body for digerirlos, for which the 20:00 is a very good time.

If it is impossible to price this hour, it is important to leave a space for one of these hours and media before going to bed. And if there is much to be done and if it is priced immediately, you can take a yogur or a vase of leche beforehand. The lactose has tryptophan, an amino acid that helps to produce melatonin and serotonin, which is essential for the healing of the skin.

Comer sin prisa

Geen solo hooi que tener en cuenta cuándo comer, sino también durant cuanto tiempo. Commerce is rapidly increasing, with the exception of stresses, the nutrients are not absorbed properly. It can be derived from stretching, gas, hypo and other digestive molasses.

Masticar well

It can only be that it comes with a price, it has to make sure that the foods are well masticated, even if it is dedicated to one more minute. It is important that the foods are well mixed in the mouth with the speeksel, and that it contains amylase, an enzyme that helps to digest carbohydrates. If foods are harmful to your stomach then your diet will act correctly, it will tend to work a lot harder to digest everything.

Beber suffices water

The comrades must have hourly rates, but the amount of liquidity must increase throughout the day. The key is made of tener sed tener sed, to be able to repair the lost liquids from the south and the river (between 1.5 and 2 liters per day, approximately). It is important not to take long periods of time without taking liquids. I do not want to take only water, but I would like to estimate other liquid amounts of baby berries: infusions, natural zumas …

Amanda Dutruc, DosFarma’s pharmacist, commented: “Maintaining a stable time at the comer hour is essential. to sleep and other sleeps.It is important to have a few hours to allow us to synchronize the rhythms of our body.Have to adapt the cycles with which to work the organism.Since DosFarma we will help to keep track of the import it involves being varied and balanced, but also dedicates time to each comedy and distributes the food intake adequately to the day with a set of established comedies. “
