The Coaching and the Integral Benefit

The accompaniment of a professional coach in the process of logging the integral property supports taking care, integrating apprenticeships and implementing actions that can help one to have a more complete and prosperous life

My coaching client, Carlos, calls me to say that the podium is in the March session and that he feels the need to work to improve his work-life balance. As a management company in a food company during pandemic times, Carlos sees that there is no time for much more than the workload, now there are more standards and requirements that are high on its load. It seems to me that it feels awkward, agitated and with a little time to log a personal balance that it feels satisfied.

Carlos said I was preoccupied with how he was being cared for, and luché to check my tricks of traerle fast tips or universal formulas for darle step to his self-talk conversation like long-lasting and sustainable personal cremation truck at large place, that he is different and that I fully trust in what he chooses for him.

As a coach I recognize that to be able to learn to learn is one of the competencies that most cost me, even though my thoughts and feelings about not “agreeing” with my client, we need to be more supportive of a space where you can connect with the person who is sitting and who wants to be. Treating to activate my presence, full attention and listening activates to motivate the ability to expand one’s conscience, abrido as well as mirade.

Listen to his words, observe his miracle, gestures and ask: “What is the most useful thing for you to do?”

Carlos responded immediately: “Can you share the forms in which you or your other customers balance their lives and increase their wealth?”

And we will continue: “Carlos, What has happened to you that you serve for this purpose?” Carlos responds to me that I love, love, practice, play with his wives, share more money in family and rent a little more, because now for the time-only pandemic, and in some cases, I have physical space to make some of those things.

To the question: “What things can you do?”, And then we will continue the conversation. Closes the parade with questions like: “What are you going to do? What do you learn from yourself? A Quiet Compromise? They found the space to reflect on their car ownership and action plan. Terminó with a “Thank you, I am much better than you”, and we will program our next session.

Dear reader, please share this story with some of the many things that are currently happening to me in this conversation. And yes, although life comes with “magic recipes” or “secret, perfect and personalized formulas” to be more happy, elevate our being and despise our potential, we meet our different ones to observe, listen to and choose what lo verdaderamente most significant for each one. What is it that ours (ours, not ours) do the action and we want to feel more fully in a world where we can lose balance with great facilities.

The Panamanian of the International Coaching Federation – ICF is an association without finesse, compromised with the point and the diffusion of professional practice and ethics of coaching. Está afiliada a la International Coaching Federation-ICF, the worldwide organization of the greatest greatness of coaching.

The cultivation of our integral bee, which is similar to the model of Bee SPIRE proposed by Dr. The Ben-Shahar Valley includes our asset: mental, physical, intellectual, emotional and relational, now it’s a lot of fun in times of crisis; is well one of our most important key keys to success.

The accompaniment of a professional coach in the process of logging the integral property requires support, integrates apprenticeships and implements actions that can help one to have a more complete and prosperous life.

Some of the questions you may have to consider when planning your time during the next days and weeks and what you can do to help cultivate your entire property:

-What did it work for to cultivate your integral property and ensure your maximum potential?

-What exactly is your goal to work on?

-What does this mean for you?

-¿A que le quieres decir basta?

-What are your options?

-¿Coals of these options resuenan major contigo?

-What are the new options for exploring?

-What is the proposed plan for logarithm?

-What will you see when the loggers?

-What do you need to do?

-How to compromise?

We are integral human beings and maintain this care in all the dimensions of our life, it is a powerful force that positively impacts us. We will bring more prosperous, salutary, creative, productive and lucrative people to the time of making decisions in a VUCA world (volatile, short, complex and ambiguous). In addition, we help concentrate, identify priorities and make them feel better. And when we feel better, we are more capable of being the person we want to be!

The author is Executive Coach and Ontologist, member of ICF Panama
