The Chinese regime implemented a cyber attack against the BID in 2019

Visitors pass by a sign with the logo of the Inter-American Bank of Development at the Atlapa Convention Center in the City of Panama, March 14, 2013. REUTERS / Carlos Jasso
Visitors passed by a sign with the logo of the Inter-American Bank of Development at the Atlapa Convention Center in the City of Panama, March 14, 2013. REUTERS / Carlos Jasso

The cybernetic attack began on its culminating point when Latin American delegates marched on Washington to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Interamerican Bank of Development.

On September 24, 2019, more than 15,000 electronic directories from all over China will open the banking portal, disqualifying parts of the service in interim form. To resolve the issue, the bank has drastic and blocking media all over China’s traffic.

Pero the attacking persists and means the meeting delegates for a day of conferences with deportees, academics and television chiefs, the bombing intensified.

The details of the attack, which have not been forwarded until now, appear in an internal BID document to which the Associated Press has access.

According to experts, the attack on the BID did not generate much alarm from the same bank. Last year, more than 10 million service denial-of-service attacks (known by its Engels, DDoS) ships were launched worldwide, according to the NETSCOUT digital security company.

Pero the hecho of haya produced in the middle of the BID celebration giving it a special symbolism.

The Washington party organized the apurones, his despairing months that Trump’s governor had enough support to cancel a BID meeting in the Chinese city of Chengdu, which had a Chinese presentation party species a decade later. incorporate al banco.

In the image, Mauricio Claver-Carone, President of the Inter-American Bank of Development (BID).  EFE / EPA / JIM LO SCALZO / Archive
In the image, Mauricio Claver-Carone, President of the Inter-American Bank of Development (BID). EFE / EPA / JIM LO SCALZO / Archive

The United States of America is at the forefront of this meeting and the Chinese decision to denounce a representative of the Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaidó has given him the opportunity he needs.. The BID, although the United States and the good parts of Latin American countries, recognize Guaido as the legitimate leader of Venezuela, while China firmly supports Nicolás Maduro’s governor.

Mauricio Claver-Carone, waarnemende regisseur, was the stadium official who manages relations with China in the BID. It is the assimilation of the White House’s mainstay with Latin America and the architecture of “America Crece”, a program that will contain the Chinese advances in Latin America, where China will move to the United States as a commercial business principal in countries like Argentina Brazil and Chile.

Present the document on September 19, 2019 the BID portal traffic was quadrupled, disabling the main page and the publishing page. In principle, the bank responds to the incompetence of individual IP directories.

But “the attackers’ tactical changes and emperors are asking for more than 15,000 IP addresses from all over China”, in agreement with the internal document. “Do not miss the night of March 24 until China’s traffic is blocked, deciding that our permission will restore the bank’s online service”.

The insistent attackers are using 180,000 directories of IP distant countries, including Japan and Singapore. Totaal van die attack lasted months, but was checked after three weeks, when the bank reclaimed to Amazon to build a more powerful firewall.

Although there are no indications that the system was penetrated, “the time of disability affected our digital presence and had a negative impact on distinct communication activities”, the document states. “También also revealed our vulnerable points to third parties, which would be blatantly blatant of new attacks and affect the reputation of the BID”.

Person encapsulated by a portable computer while projecting the cyber code on it in this illustrative image dated May 13, 2017. REUTERS / Kacper Pempel /
Person encapsulated by a portable computer while projecting the cyber code on it in this illustrative image dated May 13, 2017. REUTERS / Kacper Pempel /

China has some of the best hackers in the world, but some experts are not sure how to recover from the attack. The computers that are not well protected can be controlled from any part of the world and converted to botnets like Lanzan DDoS attacks.

An attack that has been prolonged has obviously had financial or political motivations. One no troll during three weeks”, Dijo Tord Lundstrom, expert in digital security of Qurium, a successful organization without finesse. “Pero, without additional digital forensic information, could determine whether China will leave, or whether it will generate the impression that it has left”.

The Chinese Ministry of External Relations did not respond to questions about whether the governor was in charge of the BID or if he had been involved, but said in a statement that he was openly opposed to cyber attacks.

Relating cybernetic attacks directly to a governor is a very delicate political issue“, Expressed the communication. “All parties must resolve in conjunction with the topic of hacking, through dialogue and cooperation, and avoid politicizing it.”

Claver-Carone decided to be interviewed and the BID said no internal cybersecurity issues were raised. No obstacle, persons of the banco dijeron a la AP que recuerdan que China has been briefly held responsible for attacks in a 2019 meeting over the repercussions of its efforts. The persons dealing with the condition of not being identified to comment internally.

China holds 0.004% of the shares with a vote in the BID, the highest percentage among the 48 members of the bank. Peru su admission is a barata form to amplify its presence in Latin America. Chinese companies can participate in tenders for BID-funded projects, code with political leaflets and obtain economical information that costs money to obtain through other media.

Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo.
Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo.

China, door of another store, is the second largest shareholder in BID Invest, the banking framework that offers privately priced, with 6% of the shares, thanks to a reorganization in 2015, in which the Obama governor is willing to offer additional resources and the United States’ participation is reduced to 13% .

El BID made a foundation of 2,000 millone de dolares, producing the total China aportes. On the eve of the year, the BID organized more than a dozen business encounters to connect Latin American companies with Chinese investors.

During this time the BID has had very cordial relations with the Chinese Communist Party”, Dijo Runde. “The Bank and its shareholders are not giving up money in China since the BID’s 60th anniversary. This relationship has no end in sight ”.

China has not reached an agreement with Claver-Carone. In a symbolic reunion, Yi Gang, director of the Central Bank of China, abstained from voting at the special meeting of the year in which Claver-Carone was elected, a person who participated in the meeting and who was not identified by it commenting a find on closed doors.

With AP information


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