The check for $ 600 will be announced as soon as the night before this March, Treasury Secretary

El Gobierno federal started to send direct payments of up to 600 dollars approved by the Congress as part of the economic assessment legislation on the COVID-19 pandemic.

A vote to raise the $ 2,000 figure, backed by Democrats and the President-elect, Donald Trump, is in the Senate.

The impact of the economic crisis caused by the coronavirus is due to the fact that more and more people are eating food and suffering from anxiety. It is calculated that, for fines of 2020, 17 million children have had food insecurity of Estados Unidos.

Who will receive the $ 600

Eligible persons for the 600 dollar check of their water cuyos ingresos en 2019 geen superaron los 75,000 dollar, following the project of ley.

The couple casadas that declare taxes together and cuyas ganancias no superen los 150,000 recibirán 1 200. También recibirán 600 los contribuentes que pagan impuestos como “jefes de familje” y tuvieron un ingreso de 112 500 o menos in 2019.

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The families receive it again 600 additional dollars for each it is less than 18 years old (which has been declared as dependent).

When the money is sent

Those residents who choose to stay a registered bank account under the system of the Internal Rent Service (IRS, by its English seal) to direct depositors to receive the money as soon as Tuesday at night, said Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin.

The checks in papel, in tanto, are sent to part of these markets, for the rest of the beneficiaries, dio to conocer Mnuchin in a bag. Ensure that the Treasury Department and the IRS set out to “work with a speed limit without precedents”.

“This second round of bribery is a fundamental economic support for women, without fault, it has been negatively affected by the COVID-19 pandemic”, indicated.

The department of Tesoro said more late in a statement that the direct pages continue during the next week.

The IRS has ten until January 15 to begin processing the automatic pages.

Who traumatizes his son necesarios

Like the first, this second round of pages is distributed automatically, since no action is required for the eligible persons.

[Por qué estas familias no califican para recibir ayuda del Congreso por el coronavirus]

The people who hope to receive pages can verify their status on the Get My Payment page starting this week.

The second direct payment, in all 2020

United States is distributing a second round of direct payments on the pandemic. The first, with checks worth $ 1,200, was approved in March as part of the CARES economic stimulus package.

The federal government has unveiled more than 270,000 million in favor of the current 160 million in the midst of the economic crisis provoked by the coronavirus’ sanitary emergence.

The crisis has forced the temporary closure or the finalization of miles of negotiations throughout the country and has left millions in deserts.

The second check has the same objective goals as the first: give a living to the families in need and boost the economy.

“La gente sale y gasta ese dinero, y eso ayuda a las pequeñas empresas y ayuda a que más persona vuelvan a trabajar”, explains Tesoro’s secretary to CNBC presenter Jim Cramer last week.

The debate is $ 1,200

Monday, the House of Representatives approved Trump’s proposal to raise $ 600 to $ 2,000 checks.

The leader of the Republican majority in the Senate, Mitch McConnell, received a speedy approval of the check for 2,000 per abortion last year that was voted on by the presidency of the Republican bloc this March, until the Senate “begins a process “It’s a week to consider, in conjunction, three questions from President Donald Trump.

What other aids are on the truck

The $ 900,000-million-dollar economic estimate project, which includes the 600 check, signed by President Donald Trump, the House of Lords at night, has been announced several times before being approved by Congress.

The help package included too other aids and benefits for families and businesses.

By a Lado, reactivating the Payment Check Program (PPP), which offers can be condoned and empresas which complements with certain requirements. Negotiations that receive subsidies in the first edition of the program are eligible for this second round.

Loose additional federal benefits for example It will also be renewed, for a value of $ 300 per week, until March 14, in addition to the $ 600 weekly subsidy that went on sale until July.

State governors and local authorities tend to add money to help people who are trapped in the paycheck y pueden estar enfrentando el desalojo.

[Nueva York alarga la suspensión de los desalojos hasta mayo]

The new package of aid increases the federal aid for food, called ‘food stamps’, at a 15% per month and proportion funds to food banks, Meals on Wheels and other aids. In addition, there will be a total of 13,000 million dollars to provide benefits to farmers and benefactors.

I have also raised 10,000 million dollars in programs to help families with the costs of infant care the suppliers will cover the operating costs of the mayors.

Also included are funds for the distribution of the vaccine and the development of treatment as well as for schools, universities and cultural institutions and the postal service.

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