The “Chapo” is preoccupied with Emma Coronel, he says that his wife is in prison

Joaquín el
Joaquín el “Chapo” Guzmán en Emma Coronel están lejos de sus gemelas (Fotos: Reuters)

Joaquín Guzmán Loera, el Chapo, is please note that you have also removed the beds to his wife, Emma Coronel Aispuro, by means of the attorneys who represent both. Twenty-five days ago, the former reindeer herder was detained at Dulles Airport, Washington, revealing that the former leader of the Sinaloa Card top of the situation.

Agreed with an interview conducted by Jeffrey Lichtman, on behalf of Telemundo, it can be known that el Chapo is updated daily about the arrest of the mother of his spouse, which will be insured by narcotics-related cargoes on the 22nd of February.

Segund explained the periodical Nicole Suárez in the program “hoy Día”, Lichtman is the bridge in the parish, the cual is separated by 2,750 kilometers: the distance between ADX Florence, Colorado, where Guzmán Loera is; up to the price of Alexandria, Virginia, lie in that the authorities recruyeron a Emma Coronel de forma voorlopig.

EEUU Filter Federal Agents declarations concerning a presumption of cooperation between the detainee and the North American governor. Peru aún with the possibility of revealing dates that could affect the Cardinal of Sinaloa, el ex cabecilla de esa facción no deja de amar a su ultima pareja, following the periodical of Telemundo.

Coronel Aispuro decides to return to his preliminary hearing (Photo: District of Columbia)
Coronel Aispuro decides to return to his preliminary hearing (Photo: District of Columbia)

On the other hand, the lawyer revealed that the conditions of his client had increased a few, even if denunciaran malos tratos en la prision as well as baths every four days, water consumption of the llave and free at night. Without embarrassment, the days go by without their comforts for the poor. Filter tras that Emma Coronel deletes to the capos of Sinaloa Card, his wife and the rest of his family were killed during the shooting, although the victims were arrested in the criminal group podrían tomar.

‘Yes you can have a day during the day to bathe, make an appointment, talk to your family, a day out and a night out (…). It’s a very strong force, more powerful than many other clients it has. She is very preoccupied with his hijas, if not hubieran planted history, creo que estaría mejor”, Indicó el abogado al medio estadounidense.

The Eichtens defense, according to Lichtman, is committed to a guilty plea or solicitation of liberty, “everything is about the month”.

““ We are in the the process of probing the governor’s position, we are also analyzing the possibility of presenting a proposal for funding. Everything is about the month (…). This is a minimum participation case within this large conspiracy, it will not pass the rest of its slides in the card, in the peor case“, Agregó el verdediger.

Chapo's lawyers are very close to the head of the court in New York (Photo: Instagram @ marielcolonmiroesq)
Chapo’s lawyers are very close to the head of the court in New York (Photo: Instagram @ marielcolonmiroesq)

Apenas is March 19, acusada acceptó renunciar a su audiencia initial, hecho del que no se saben mayores detalles. It was not immediately clear why the defendant entered the arrest of his wife, but his lawyers, to register for the March 4 hearing.

According to the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure, there is a sum of het 14 razones van las cuales Emma Coronel en su defensa acordaron renunciar a su audiencia preliminar. But in the strict sense, the stipulations 5.1 in 32.1 call for a change of registration in order for the accusation to be compared to gain time and decide how to proceed.

Coronel Aispuro is charged by Conspiracy theories to import heroin, cocaine, marijuana and methanepetamines. If declared punishable, pay a minimum 10 years in prison and a maximum sentence of perpetual debt, plus a fine of up to USD 10 million.

Agreement with the approval of the case 1:21-mj-00240, fue mensajera de su esposo Joaquín Guzmán Loera and conspiracy for the drug drug case EEUU, both actions, between 2012 and 2017. Además to plan the fugue of Chapo af 2015, in direct messages from the godmother of one of her wives: Dámaso López Núñez, el Licensed, lugarteniente de Guzmán Loera.


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