The Chamber of Deputies separate to Taylor Greene from its committees | Telemundo

Republicans of the Chamber of Deputies separate from their responsibilities to Republican legislator Marjorie Taylor Greene, representative of Georgia, lie that lament the words she has, without hesitation to openly discourage.

The House of Representatives voted to exclude its responsibilities on committees of 230 in favor and 199 in favor, with 11 Republicans joining the Democrats for the Sacrament.

The expulsion of the Legislative Committees that have been assigned to produce in the middle of the division in his party respect to castigate or pass his repeated messages promoting mentions, conspiracy theories and including apologizing for the violence against the Democrats.

Greene dijo are jueves that lamentab his “words in the passage”, but avoid being discredited by your fire and racist rhetoric.

[Cuatro mentiras que impulsa la congresista republicana Marjorie Taylor Greene]

The Georgia Representative declared that it was a “common city” issue, which published conspiracy theories from the QAnon movement in favor of hiccuping a political campaign for the Congress, for which points of view are not present.

It also remains important in assertions in the defense of conspiracy theories. I assure you that the Democrats have been “castigated” by the statements they made in the past.

“These are the words of the past. These are not my representatives”, dijo. At the same time, Lamento has promoted some of the false conspiracy theories, including its expressions of support to QAnon.

“Nunca dije ni una sola vez durante toda mi campña QAnon ‘”, dijo Greene. Ensure that the day to create extremist ideology in 2018 when it begins to find information on things that are not known,

“Please allow me to create things that I do not want and have to ask about them and what they have, and that is what they are lamenting,” said the House of Representatives voting on a resolution to separate the Georgia Congressional Commission of Education and Work, and of the Commission of Presupuestos.

Georgia’s Republican Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene, at the Capitol January 13, 2021. AP

However, with the intention of changing its defense to theocratic theories, the congressman generated a new controversy over comparing the media with the extremist ideology QAnon.

“Do we allow the communication media to be as guilty as QAnon in presenting values ​​and mentions, dividing us?”, Asks Greene, in his speeches before his words. The legislator used a tapabocas that said: “freedom of expression”.

In addition to his support of QAnon, Greene supported critical critics by habbing the victims of the violence against Democrats in the Social Reasons and defending the theories of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks and the school bullying. Parkland and 2018 fueron montajes.

Greene does not mention these actions in his discourse of the Jews. Although there are rumors that the bullying in the schools and the terrorist attacks of September 11 are real.

[Qué es QAnon, el grupo al que pertenece el ‘Lobo de Yellowstone’ que asaltó el Capitolio]

Republican congressmen Steve Scalise and Austin Scott defended Greene after his speech.

While the representative Jim McGovern, chairman of the Committee of Regulations of the Chamber, said that comparing the media of communication with QAnon establishes a place to lie.

More recently, Nancy Pelosi, chairwoman of the House of Representatives, said that Republican leaders would not speak to Greene’s representative on the committee.

“Sigo is deeply concerned about the acceptance of the Republican leaders of the Chamber of Deputies by the theories of extreme conspiracy”, said Pelosi at his weekly press conference.

[Los demócratas votarán para castigar a Marjorie Taylor Greene tras la inacción republicana]

“One thinks that Republican leadership in Congress will have some sense of responsibility with this institution,” he said, referring to the decision of the Leader of the House of Representatives, Kevin McCarthy, not to cast Greene.

Republicans from the House of Representatives will decide on Wednesday nights at a closed-door meeting to cast Greene after the Democrats protest on his behalf in the education panel.

Trump’s herencia divides a los republicanos

Atrapados in internal luchas about the future of his leadership in Congress, Republicans are divided over how to address the rise of extremism and the influence of President Donald Trump in his sons.

A pair of controversies that shocked him while urging Republicans to separate and forcing them to choose a band, with great risks for the future of the party.

[Los fiscales del ‘impeachment’ acusan a Trump de ofensas “inconfundibles” y “de proporciones históricas”]

“It’s not a member. It’s what we represent and we want to have a serious party in the future”, said Republican consultant Brendan Buck, former assessor of the party’s ultimate portfolios in the House of Representatives.

One of the controversies is being raised in Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene and her defense of grotesque theories about the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.

The other center in the Wyoming Congress, Liz Cheney, is the Republican House of Representatives who voted for Trump and voted in favor of his decision last month.

Wyoming Liz Cheney, a Republican congresswoman, attended a ceremony commemorating Brian Sicknick, the Capitol’s Police Officer, who passed away on January 6. AP

In parallel, the speeches of Greene’s expulsion and the Cheney’s decision to lead will be intensified in the last few days and will reach a critical point during a Wednesday night school meeting, during the Republican Chamber of Deputies’ conference.

The leader of the Chamber of Deputies, Kevin McCarthy, said he did not want to expel Greene from his committees. Luego, the caucus voted 145-61 to hold Cheney in the lead, a decisive vote that would suggest a slight disagreement with Trump.

Only the Democrats say Greene is a problem.

The leader of the Senate minority, Mitch McConnell, Republican of Kentucky, issued the lunes a usual statement in which he condemned Greene by defending “false statements and conspiracy theories” that, he said, he was a “cancer for the Republican party and our country “. At the same time, McConnell praised Cheney, including former Vice President Dick Cheney, as an important leader of the party.

A former Republican leader assesses that McConnell’s comment is “instructive for McCarthy” regarding the adoption of clear postures.

“On the other hand, McCarthy is saying that the Republicans of the Chamber will disengage every day that it continues,” said the exacerbator of the anonymous condition to avoid problems with McCarthy.

McCarthy is being watched around the corner by all parties, and will set a precedent for the radical figures who can be thought to be presenting at the elections.

[Canadá etiqueta a los Proud Boys como una entidad terrorista: “No toleraremos la violencia”]

“The GOP of the House of Representatives appears to be preoccupied with what is good to win a primary, and McConnell is in the process of reclaiming the majority,” Buck said. “We can not recover the suburban voters with university education without making it clear that this is not a theory party of conspiracy and locomotives”.

Greene assures the support of Trump. It was converted into the car of the party’s quasi-group QAnon, which included party members who promoted conspiracy theories about Trump’s support for Democrats and celebrities dedicated to sex trafficking.

Afiró the mercoles that are being sacrificed debit to their identity as white, Christian and conservative, among other things.

Dan Eberhart, an important Republican donor, said: “Republican leaders are following their votes, not to mention, and the base is not here to launch Trump on the board. The Republican Party is not led by the Washington elites. It is run by state-level activists, and is not listening in Washington. It is listening to people like Representative Greene “.

[“Un cáncer para el Partido Republicano”: McConnell condena las “mentiras locas” de la congresista Marjorie Taylor Greene]

McConnell told the journalists this March that he would mark a distance between Greene and the rest of the party.

“I have expressed myself about being a new member of the Chamber in particular. And I believe that I have been adequately expressed about having been respected by anyone trying to define the Republican Party of this way”, he said. “I believe this demonstrates my respect,” said McConnell.

With information from NBC News, BBC and Washington Post.
