The CEO of Waymo claims that Tesla “is not an absolute competitor” to his company, and Elon Musk responds

The director of Tesla compared the capabilities of his autonomous system with those of John Krafcik’s company.

Tesla founder Elon Musk reacted to an evaluation of the results of his work conducted by the director of the automotive manufacturer Waymo.

In an interview conducted in the middle of Germany Manager Magazine, the executive director of Waymo John Krafcik confirmed that Tesla “is not an absolute competitor” only to develop “a very good conductor assistance system”, and no autonomous management system.

“About robustness and precision, for example, ours sensor “There are several orders of magnitude greater than what we see on the market for other manufacturers,” Krafcik said.

Musk responds and gives an indication that “Tesla is tiene mejor hardware and software con inteligencia artificial que Waymo”.

In his case Musk also had an insinuation about the high prices of the coaches Waymo, Krafcik have reported in the media that his costarian vehicles are about the same as a Mercedes Clase S, it is said, from $ 100,000. Comparing with these, the Tesla cars are part of $ 38,000.

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