The CEO of an important bitcoin exchange advised an immediate “repression” against cryptocurrencies


13 Apr 2021 00:56 GMT

Juiced by Jesse Powell, EE.UU. it is more “miope” that other nations and more “vatbaar” to the pressures of the banks, that “pueden lose if the cryptocurrencies are convened in a big deal”.

Jesse Powell, executive director of the kraken of cryptocurrency Kraken, predicted in an interview with CNBC that the goblins of all the world could start drastic measures against the use of bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.

“Creo que podría haber algo de repression”, warns the directive lie of all officials, from the secretary of the Treasury of EE.UU., Janet Yellen, hasta the president of the Central Bank of Europe, Christine Lagarde, dieran the voice of alarm about the use of bitcoin for money laundering, terrorist financing and other illegal activities.

Kraken’s CEO says the regulatory overtime will turn cryptocurrencies into disrepair soon. A recent rule against money laundering, proposed by the Governor of EE.UU., requires that individuals who keep their cryptocurrencies in a private digital ticket be subject to identity checks and conduct transactions of $ 3,000 or more.

In this sentence, Powell advised that “something like this really is you can download the cryptocurrencies and provide the reason for the original use, which is simply to ensure that the financial services provide access to everything “.

“Tal vez el genio se haya salido de la botella”

Auguran that one bitcoin equals a Lamborghini in the finals of 2021 and a Bugatti in 2023

The boss of the ballpoint pen hopes that the regulators of stadiums and international “will not adopt a vision demasiado stretched” in respect. “Some other countries, especially China, are taking the cryptocurrencies very seriously and adopting a very large vision,” he said.

Powell Juicio, EE.UU. it is more “miope” that other nations and more “vatbaar” to the pressures of the banks, that “pueden lose if the cryptocurrencies are convened in a big deal”.

By another lad, the directive creates that “it will be too late to get drunk”, is that “tal vez el genio se haya salido de la botella, e intentar prohibirlo en este punta simply la haría más attractiv”, además de que enviaría “un mensaje de que el Gobierno ve esto coma una alternativa alternative a su propia moneda” .

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