The CEE goes to the Legislature in search of $ 2 million to celebrate the special selection of team members for the stadium

The State Election Commission (CEE) decided this March to support the Legislative Assembly in soliciting the funds for the event to be celebrated on May 16 in which six candidates will be nominated for the stage.

Without embarrassment, the figure could not be overstated, even as CEE President Francisco Rosado Colomer estimated it could be $ 2 million. Well, Rosado Colomer advises that if you do not count with the diner, the CEE will not be able to cover the special election.

“My presumption is reconciling to see if we can hope that this event is not the manual recruitment,” said Rosado Colomer in an interview with El Nuevo Día.

“The Commission has no account with the funds to cover the event. Nosotros todavía no hemos llegado al punto de ‘ya no puedo más’. Nee hy llegado al punto, como dicen en Castilla la vieja, de la ficha del tranque. Puedo seguir haciendo tareas que no me conllevan gastos de los fondosos ”, agregó.

The CEE’s move to join the Legislature surges that the week passes Fiscal Supervisory Board (JSF), on both occasions and in the middle of the map, the negroes an assignment of $ 6.6 million for the event and the referral to the Chamber of Representatives to ask for the money.

Mientras corre el reloj, Rosado Colomer dijo que no sabía cuándo formalizaría su pedido a la Cámara porque duros these days must compare as testimony in the court in the plea of ​​impugnaciation de la alcaldía de San Juan entre Manuel Natal y Miguel Romero.

Explained that the amount of money needed for the special election can be considered considerably because there is no use of electronic escrow, as there are considerably other parties such as the cost of the paper towels. The Ley 167-20 which makes the special election viable requires that it has electronic scrutiny.

Rosado Colomer said that, in his judgment, he should not accede to the Legislature in order to amend the statute. “There is an article in the law that allows the CEE to handle the event to make life viable. Además, desde mi point de vista, las leyes no pueden obliger al complimenta de algo impossible ”, dijo.

Sorting effect

Today, March, the CEE carried out the list of positions in the list of the 10 aspirants in four cargoes for cavalry in the Federal Chamber and two in the Senate of the United States.

The assortment is hizo inclusive with the lee porque debió hacerse el pasado lunes. The same Monday, March 15, indicates Ley 167-20, the CEE must receive the endorsements of the aspirants and validators.

“Of course, the law does not require you to carry out impossible actions, it can also be an absurdity and it is necessary to process the endorsements to be able to certify the candidates. I have no other form, ”Rosado Colomer said, explaining why March and March 15th.

Leader statistician Miriam Ramírez de Ferrer alone contributed to the CEE 24% of the endorsements. But I have the same announcement that will continue in the contingent as a candidate for direct nomination.

Lograron will include the 3,000 required endorsers Zoraida Buxó, Víctor Pérez, Roberto López and Melinda Romero to lead in the Senado. Figurarán en ese orden en la papeleta. Mientras, Roberto Lefranc, Elizabeth Torres, Adriel Vélez, María “Mayita” Meléndez, Jorge Rodríguez and Ricardo Marrero will introduce the endorsements of the car to their aspirations to lead in the Chamber of Representatives. In this same order appears in the paper.

A total of 15 candidates ran in the event of elections.
